Spring Annotaions


@Controller = It indicates that the class is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests.


@RestController = controller + ResponseBody.


@Component = This indicates the class is a “Spring bean/Component” or Tells spring container to automatically create spring bean and manages it. ( no need to create object for the class with new keyword, spring automatically creates bean for it)

  • Example
public class Pizza {
	public String getPizza(){
		return "hello pizza";

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args){
  • Run method returns the application context object i.e application context acts as a spring IOC container and the component creates the spring bean for the pizza class and that bean is already in the IOC container.
  • Get pizza bean
public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args){
		var context = SpringApplication.run(Main.class,args);
		Pizza pizza = context.getBean(Pizza.class);
  • we can provide specific bean name, @Component(pizzaDemo);


@Autowired = This annotation is used to inject the bean automatically.

  • Instead of creating object for ourself by adding new keyword. with component we can create the bean and with the Autowired we can initialize the bean automatically.
  • Check PizzaController class file for three different way to have the Autowired annotations i.e Constructor based, setter, and annotations based.


@Qualifier = This annotation helps to choose which bean to use for the Autowired

  • Check pizza interface we implemented that to two class PizzaService and NonVegPizza
  • In PizzaController autowired we need to specify which bean we need to use, so the Qualifier annotation help us to use the correct bean.