GitHub Importer

GitHub Importer is a simple Go application that allows you to upload an XLSX file containing issue details and create GitHub issues. You can also assign users to the created issues and apply labels to them. To use this tool, follow the instructions below. Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 2 49 26 PM

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 2 51 02 PM


Before running the GitHub Importer, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

  1. Go Programming Language: You can download and install Go from the official website.

Getting Started

Using Pre-built Binaries

If you don't have Go installed or prefer not to build the application yourself, you can download pre-built binaries for your platform from the binaries.

  1. Go to the bin folder.

  2. Download the binary for your operating system and architecture (e.g., github-importer-linux-amd64 for Linux, github-importer-darwin-amd64 for macOS, github-importer-windows-amd64.exe for Windows).

  3. For Linux: Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x github-importer-linux-amd64

    For MacOS: Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x github-importer-darwin-amd64

    For Windows: Just double click github-importer-windows-amd64.exe

  4. Visit the following URL in your web browser: http://localhost:8080.

Building from Source

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:
    cd github-importer
  3. Build and run the application:
    go run *.go
  4. Visit the following URL in your web browser: http://localhost:8080.


Once you have the application running, you can use it to import issues into a GitHub repository by providing the following parameters:

  • Access Token: Your GitHub Personal Access Token. Make sure it has the necessary permissions to create issues, assign users, and apply labels to the repository.
  • Username: Your GitHub username.
  • Repository Name: The name of the target GitHub repository where you want to create issues.
  • XLSX File: Upload a simple XLSX file (not XLS) containing issue details. The format should match the expected structure.

Expected XLSX File Format

The XLSX file should have the following columns:

  • Title: Issue title.
  • Description: Issue description.
  • Test Steps: Test Steps to reproduce.
  • Test Data: Test data to be used for validating the test case.
  • Expected Results: Expected results once the test case executed and validate.
  • Labels: Comma-separated list of labels to apply to the issue (optional).
  • Assignee: GitHub username to assign the issue (optional).

Example XLSX File

You can find an example XLSX file here to see the expected format.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have an enhancement in mind, please open an issue or create a pull request.