
Clean Architecture sample with MVI using SqlDelight & Ktor with modularization πŸ“¦

Primary LanguageKotlin

Rick & Morty App ✨

This project demonstrates Clean Architecure best practices in a Multi-Module Android application using MVI architecture pattern. This app is made entirely in Kotlin and consumes pure Kotlin libraries to manage application data (SqlDelight, Ktor) and UI (Jetpack Compose).

πŸ“· Screenshots (Light & Dark Color Schemes)

characters-list character-details

characters-list character-details

Dynamic Colors - Android 12+

Dynamic Color enables users to personalize their devices to align tonally with the color scheme of their personal wallpaper or through a selected color in the wallpaper picker. You can read more about Dynamic Colors here.


πŸ“ Architecture Overview

The app architecture has three layers: a data layer, a domain layer and a UI layer. The architecture follows a reactive programming model with unidirectional data flow. With the data layer at the bottom, the key concepts are:

  • Higher layers react to changes in lower layers.
  • Events flow down.
  • Data flows up.

The data flow is achieved using streams, implemented using Kotlin Flows.


UI Layer

The UI layer is the pipeline that converts application data changes to a form that the UI can present and then displays it. The state is managed using a Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF) which aligns with the MVI (Model View Intent) architecture pattern's event-based nature.


Data Layer

While the UI layer contains UI-related state and UI logic, the data layer contains application data and business logic. The business logic is what gives value to your appβ€”it's made of real-world business rules that determine how application data must be created, stored, and changed. The data layer is implemented as an offline-first source of app data and business logic. It is the source of truth for all data in the app.


Domain Layer

The domain layer is an optional layer that sits between the UI layer and the data layer. The domain layer is responsible for encapsulating complex business logic, or simple business logic that is reused by multiple ViewModels. This layer contains Usecases/Interactors which interact with data sources inside Data Layer.


Rick & Morty App is an offline-first app and the app flow works as:

  1. Characters are fetched from Rick & Morty API using Ktor-client for Android.
  2. Characters are then stored in a SqlDelight Database. Our database inside Data layer is our single source of truth.
  3. The stored characters in cache are then requested by the Usecase in our domain layer.
  4. Characters from the cache are then exposed to the UI layer where they can be accessed as observable data streams i.e. Kotlin Flows.

This app has two screens:

  1. Characters List Screen
  2. Character Details Screen

Characters List Screen Architecture


Character Details Screen Architecture


πŸ“¦ Modularization Overview

We have following modules in our project. Among these modules, we have Android Application module, Android Library modules & pure Java/Kotlin Library modules. I have preferred using pure Kotlin libraries in domain & data layers as they can easily be reused in Kotlin Multiplatform projects. Therefore, SqlDelight is preferred over Room & Ktor client is used instead of Retrofit.

Module name Type Description
app Android Application Brings everything together required for the app to function correctly. This includes UI scaffolding and navigation.
core Java/Kotlin Library Core business models and classes (such as DataState/Result wrapper classes) that are used by multiple modules.
character-datasource Java/Kotlin Library Contains data-sources and private models such as CharacterDto & CharacterEntity (network and cache) for the characters module.
character-domain Java/Kotlin Library Domain models and classes for the characters module i.e. data class Character
character-interactors Java/Kotlin Library Use-cases for the characters Module.
ui-character-list Android Library UI components for the CharactersList screen.
ui-character-details Android Library UI components for the CharacterDetails screen.
components Android Library Common Composables.

modules modularization-overview

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⏭️ Future Work

  • v1.0 Multi-Module App with Ktor client and SqlDelight
  • v2.0 Unit Tests
  • v3.0 UI Tests
  • v4.0 Migrate to Koin to use DI in data & interactor/domain modules
  • v5.0 Pagination

🀝 Want to Contribute?

All contributions are welcomed. This project is still in development. If you encounter any problems, please create an issue here & if you want to contribute to this project, PRs are welcomed! πŸ™‚

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Developed By

Shahzad Ansari

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