
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flask to mGBA/Bizhawk Lua

Check Check Test codecov

Javascript -> HTTP POST -> Flask -> TCP Socket -> mGBA Lua

Javascript -> HTTP POST -> Flask -> TCP Socket -> Bizhawk Lua

Javascript -> HTTP POST -> Flask -> TCP Socket -> Python Client that presses keyboard keys


Install pipx https://pipx.pypa.io/stable/

Install poetry with pipx pipx install poetry


Run Dev

poetry install
poetry shell
flask --app flaskcontroller run --port 5000

Run Prod

poetry install --only main
.venv/bin/waitress-serve \
    --listen "" \
    --trusted-proxy '*' \
    --trusted-proxy-headers 'x-forwarded-for x-forwarded-proto x-forwarded-port' \
    --log-untrusted-proxy-headers \
    --clear-untrusted-proxy-headers \
    --threads 4 \
    --call flaskcontroller:create_app

🪟 Windows

🪟 First time setup

python -m poetry install

🪟 Activate environment (optional)

python -m poetry shell

🪟 Run App

python -m poetry run python controller.py

Leaving this in for myself

cd .\src\flaskcontroller\ ; python -m poetry run python controller.py

And if you activated the environment

python controller.py

🎮 mGBA

Tools -> Scripting

File -> Load script


Client/Server automatically reconnects well.

🦅 Bizhawk

Tools -> Lua Console

Script -> Open Script


If the python web server exits/closes you will need to reboot the core for it to reconnect, so save in your game and reboot core.