Bookshelf App


This GitHub repository features a responsive Bookshelf application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can manage their reading list by adding new books, marking them as read or unread. The application incorporates SweetAlert for a user-friendly experience and utilizes a responsive layout with Flexbox for seamless adaptation to various screen sizes.


  • Add New Books: Easily input information for new books to keep track of your reading list.
  • Mark as Read/Unread: Conveniently designate books as either completed or pending, helping users monitor their reading progress.
  • Delete Books: Effortlessly remove books from the bookshelf, whether they have been read or not.
  • SweetAlert Integration: Enhances user interaction with visually appealing alerts for various actions.
  • Responsive Layout with Flexbox: Ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience across different devices.

How to Use with Live Server

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone bookshelf-app
  2. Open the Project in Visual Studio Code:

    cd bookshelf-app
    code .
  3. Install Live Server Extension: If you don't have the Live Server extension installed, you can install it from the Extensions view in Visual Studio Code. Search for "Live Server" and click Install.

  4. Run Live Server:

    • Open the HTML file (e.g., index.html) in Visual Studio Code.
    • Right-click anywhere in the HTML file editor.
    • Select "Open with Live Server" from the context menu.
  5. Access the Application: Your default web browser will open, and you can view the Bookshelf application at http://localhost:5500 or another port specified by Live Server.


If you'd like to contribute to the development of this Bookshelf application, please follow the contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code according to your needs.


For any questions or suggestions, please contact the project maintainer:

Happy reading! 📚