#:BINARY These are various utilities I wrote to read and write integers from binary streams while working on a common lisp interface to the 9P protocol. The following sets of functions are provided: - read-{u32,u16,u8}: read unsigned 32-, 16-, and 8-bit integers from a stream. - write-{u32,u16,u8}: write unsigned 32-, 16-, and 8-bit integers from a stream. - read-{i32,i16,i8}: read signed 32-, 16-, and 8-bit integers from a stream. - write-{i32,i16,u8}: write signed 32-, 16-, and 8-bit integers from a stream. - octets: read binary data from a stream - {int,uint}-from-bytes: read a signed or unsigned integer from a byte array. - {int,uint}-to-bytes: produce a byte array from a signed or unsigned integer. Most of these functions take an endian specifier. Valid endians are :little for little endian (the default) and :big for big endian. kyle@metacircular.net