Here is Kim SS's blog sources.
Here is R code examples
ss.venn = function(grouplist,main="",file=F) { # 170704 ver library(limma) # Generate union group from input three groups unionlist = Reduce(union, grouplist) # Get names from input vectors g.title = names(grouplist) # Togethering the vectors to one dataFrame list unionPr=NULL; title=NULL for(i in 1:length(grouplist)) { unionPr = cbind(unionPr,grouplist[[i]][match(unionlist,grouplist[[i]])]) title = c(title,paste(g.title[i],'\n',length(grouplist[[i]]))) } rownames(unionPr) = unionlist # Make TRUE/FALSE table to match with ID list union = (unionPr != "") # Transform values to TRUE, if ID exists union[is.na(union)] = FALSE # Transform NA to FALSE value union = as.data.frame(union) # Make 'union' to data.frame form colnames(union) = title # Names attach to venn diagram out = list(list=union, vennCounts=vennCounts(union)) ## Generate Venn Diagram v = vennDiagram(union,main=paste0(main," (",nrow(union)," genes)"),circle.col=rainbow(length(g.title))) print(v) if(file==T) { # save image as png file dev.copy(png,"ss.venn.png",width=8,height=8,units="in",res=100) graphics.off() } return(out) } out = ss.venn(grouplist,main)
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