
Traverse into React component tree and transform the deepest strings to anything

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A HOC (Higher-Order Component) that allows you to traverse into the React component tree to do something on each of the deepest strings, such as highlight keywords, censor sensitive content and etc.


# npm
npm install react-with-traverse

# yarn
yarn add react-with-traverse


This module exposes a single function.

// ES6+
import withTraverse from 'react-with-traverse';

// ES5
const withTraverse = require('react-with-traverse');

withTraverse(transform : Function) : Component

transform(child : Any, props : Object) : Node

child : Each of the deepest strings in the component tree (probably <String>, unless you do something like <div>{<Number>}</div>)

props : The props for the result component

Use this function to transform child into anything you want by returning it.


const convertToSmileEmoji = (child, props) => {
  const {large} = props;
  if (child === ':smile:') {
    const src = large ? 'smile_large.png' : 'smile.png';
    return <img src={src} alt="Smiley face"/>;
  return child;
const Smile = withTraverse(convertToSmileEmoji);

  <Smile large>
    <span>Some text</span>

Result :

  <span>Some text</span>
  <img src="smile_large.png" alt="Smiley face"/>


(Test cases are also examples)

# npm
npm install
npm test

# yarn
yarn install
yarn test