
Backend API for Kitchen Support

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Backend API for Kitchen Support

API Details

Our API uses HTTP verbs to convey meaning.

  • GET requests are used for pure information retrieval.
  • POST requests are used for creating new information.
  • PUT requests are used for updating existing information.
  • DELETE requests are used for removing information.

No other methods are supported.

API Reference


The account object

All requests relating to accounts will have a response in this form unless otherwise noted.

  "email": "jackpeterhorton@gmail.com",
  "id": 1,
  "facebook_token": null,
  "api_token": "35531950-8156-4c51-9939-719acdfaf458",
  "created_at": "2015-10-17T00:52:32.665Z",
  "updated_at": "2015-11-29T18:27:33.337Z",
  "status": "success"

Create an account


POST https://api.kitchen.support/accounts/create


  • Basic authentication
    • email: A valid email address.
    • password: A password matching our security rules (which are currently nonexistent).
  • Authentication with facebook (UNIMPLEMENTED)
    • facebook_token: A valid facebook access token, with profile and email permissions. We use these permissions to fill out the user's KitchenSupport account profile.

Log into an account


POST https://api.kitchen.support/accounts/login


  • Basic authentication
    • email: A valid email address.
    • password: A password matching our security rules (which are currently nonexistent).
  • Authentication with facebook (UNIMPLEMENTED)
    • facebook_token: A valid facebook access token, with profile and email permissions. We use these permissions to fill out the user's KitchenSupport account profile.

Retrieve an account


GET https://api.kitchen.support/account


  • api_token: A valid API token corresponding to the account being requested.

Request a password reset token


POST http://api.kitchen.support/accounts/reset/request


  • email: the email address of the user requesting a password reset. An email is sent to the user containing instructions on how to update their password.

Confirm a password reset


POST http://api.kitchen.support/accounts/reset/confirm


  • reset_token: The reset token that was emailed to the user. Must be less than 30 minutes old.
  • password: The new password to be set for the user.


The recipe object

  "id": 376,
  "rating": 4,
  "flavors": {
    "sour": 0.16666666666666666,
    "meaty": 0.5,
    "salty": 0.8333333333333334,
    "sweet": 0.16666666666666666,
    "bitter": 0.6666666666666666,
    "piquant": 0
  "attributes": {
    "course": [
      "Breakfast and Brunch"
  "recipeName": "Easy Veggie Breakfast Burritos",
  "ingredients": [
    "flour tortillas",
    "cheddar cheese",
  "smallImageUrls": [
  "imageUrlsBySize": {
    "90": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AQ9MlzMbDvhjXSPY7BXR4jPO0ohYi0YWoxf4sXKk333lGS0_aH8Q_dkhI-Erp_5C8I3Hpk1tRVczNLcIWspD0A=s90-c"
  "sourceDisplayName": "The Parent Spot",
  "totalTimeInSeconds": 900,
  "yummly_id": "Easy-Veggie-Breakfast-Burritos-1365839",
  "likes": 0,
  "favorites": 2,
  "completions": 2,
  "liked": null,
  "favorited": false,
  "completed": false,
  "status": "success"

Personalized recipes

All routes that return recipe objects can have an api_token provided. If it is a valid API token, the liked, favorited, and completed fields will be valid for each recipe object – that is, if the user has liked recipe 376, liked will be true for recipe 376 when it is returned

Get the recipe stream


GET http://api.kitchen.support/stream


  • limit: The number of recipes to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: The offset in the list to return. Similar to the idea of "paging". Note - the recipe stream is, as it stands today, completely non-deterministic without forceNew set. So, while offset is technically implemented even when forceNew is false, it only has a meaningful effect when used in conjunction with forceNew. 0 by default.
  • forceNew: If forceNew is set to true, the API will call out to Yummly first to get relevant recipes, cache them, and then return the result. This call takes significantly longer with forceNew set, and as such it's use is discouraged except to build out the database.

Return: Returns an array of recipe objects.

Get a single recipe


GET http://api.kitchen.support/recipe


  • id: the id of a given recipe.
  • yummly_id: the yummly_id of a given recipe.
  • Note: id will take precedence over yummly_id, as only one is ever used.

Search for a recipe


GET http://api.kitchen.support/recipes/search/:searchTerm


  • searchTerm: Any term to search the Yummly API for.
  • limit: the number of recipes to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: the offset of recipes to return, similar to the concept of "paging". 0 by default.
  • forceNew: If forceNew is set to true, the API will call out to Yummly first to get the day's featured recipes, cache them, and then return the result. This call takes significantly longer with forceNew set, and as such it's use is discouraged except to build out the database.

Liking, favoriting, and completing recipes

Likes, favorites, and completions all act similarly. The API semantics for each are the same, and the respective paths are /likes, /favorites, /completed

Get all liked/favorited/completed recipes


GET http://api.kitchen.support/:action


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • limit: the number of recipes to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: the offset of recipes to return, similar to the concept of "paging". 0 by default.
  • value: (Optional) the value of the relationship to be retrieved, defaults to true (otherwise can be false).

Like/favorite/complete a recipe


POST http://api.kitchen.support/:action


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • recipe_id: The id of the recipe being liked/favorited/completed.

Unlike/unfavorite/un-complete a recipe


DELETE http://api.kitchen.support/:action


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • recipe_id: The id of the recipe being unliked/unfavorited/un-completed.


Getting all ingredients


GET http://api.kitchen.support/ingredients


  • limit: the number of ingredients to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: the offset of ingredients to return, similar to the concept of "paging". 0 by default.

Search ingredients


GET http://api.kitchen.support/ingredients/:searchTerm


  • limit: the number of ingredients to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: the offset of ingredients to return, similar to the concept of "paging". 0 by default.


Get a user's pantry


GET http://api.kitchen.support/pantry


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • limit: the number of ingredients to return, 30 by default.
  • offset: the offset of ingredients to return, similar to the concept of "paging". 0 by default.

Add an item to the user's pantry


POST http://api.kitchen.support/pantry


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • ingredient_id: the ID of the ingredient being added.

Remove an item from the user's pantry


DELETE http://api.kitchen.support/pantry


  • api_token: A valid API token.
  • ingredient_id: the ID of the ingredient being removed.