Volto Testimonials Block

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kitconcept GmbH

The Volto Testimonials Block allows editors to add a testimonials slider to a Volto page.


Create a new Volto project (you can skip this step if you already have one):

npm install -g yo @plone/generator-volto
yo @plone/volto my-volto-project --addon @kitconcept/volto-testimonials-block
cd my-volto-project

Add @kitconcept/volto-testimonials-blockto your package.json:

"addons": [

"dependencies": {
    "@kitconcept/volto-testimonials-block": "*"

Download and install the new add-on by running:

yarn install

Start Volto with:

yarn start

Go to http://localhost:3000, login, create a new page. The quote block will show up in the Volto blocks chooser.

Block configuration

Coming soon...


kitconcept GmbH

Developed by kitconcept.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.