Name ngx_imaging_module - Dynamic image manipulation for arbitrary Nginx locations. Status This module is in development. [beta] Version 0.0.1 - Initial internal release. Synopsis http { server { location { error_page 404 = @img; recursive_error_pages on; } location @img { # try to create the image imaging "on"; imaging_quality 70; imaging_salt "Shared secrete hash salt"; imaging_white_list "t400 t480"; imaging_write_to_disk "on"; } } } Directives imaging syntax: imaging on|off default imaging off context: http, server, location imaging_salt syntax: imaging_salt "my salt string"; default "" context: http, server, location imaging_quality syntax: imaging_quality 70; default 70 context: http, server, location imaging_white_list syntax: imaging_white_list "t200 t400 t400x400 r400"; default "" context: http, server, location imaging_write_to_disk syntax: imaging_write_to_disk on|off; default on context: http, server, location Description ngx_imaging_module is an Nginx extension which allows you to create images based on modifications to existing images. By delaying the generation of transformed images until the time of request, your able to 'pay only for what you eat'. Image transformations are encoded into the file name in a 'somewhat' human readable form, where each transformation is separated by an underscore in the filename. The module uses the GraphicsMagick 'core C API' to perform the various image transformations. GraphicsMagick is a fork of ImageMagick which leverages OpenMP technologies to squeeze out more performance. Security Shared salt key: - A salt is used in the creation of a hash string which is passed from the calling application to the server to verify its authenticity. Image Transformations ngx_imaging_module currently supports the following transformations. Border Apply a border around an Image. Examples: b5-black - 5px Black border b1-red - 1px Red border Crop Create a new image by cropping of the center of an existing image. Examples: c200 c200x200 cx200 Scale Resize an image ignoring the aspect ratio. Examples: s200 s200x200 sx200 Resize Resize an image preserving the aspect ratio. Examples: r200 r200x200 rx200 Thumbnail Resize an image preserving the aspect ratio. Examples: t200 t200x200 tx200 Note: These transformations can be chained together sperated by underscores. Example: t200_b1-black - Thumbnail to 200 wide and add a 1px black border. r400x400_c200x200 - Resize to 400x400 then crop 200x200 out of that. Installation Dependencies: GraphicMagick - Image manipulation library. Can be installed via normal Ubuntu apt-get: dev@box:~$ sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev # you may have to pull (libgraphicsmagick1-dev libgraphicsmagick3) Check that GraphicsMagic-config (build utilty program) is installed. dev@box:~$ GraphicsMagick-config --cppflags --ldflags --libs that should return something like: -I/usr/include/GraphicsMagick -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lGraphicsMagick -llcms -ltiff -lfreetype -ljasper -ljpeg -lpng -lwmflite -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lbz2 -lxml2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread -lltdl OpenSSH - Contains SHA1 hash algorithm. Install: Download the modules source (either via bzr, or a source tarball). Then compile nginx as you would normally adding the following: --add-module=/path/to/ngx_imaging_module/ Nginx will hook the config file located in that directory and use it to pull in all the source files (as well as config the build). Testing: Under /test
Old/Unused module for nginx that uses GraphicMagick to modify images based on transformations encoded in its filename.