
:black_joker: An awesome viewer to browse and render Jupyter Notebooks from local, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage or MinIO

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🃏 jnotebook-reader

  • Browse and render Jupyter Notebooks from local, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage or MinIO
  • Register and access multiple directories(or buckets) at the same time
  • Show and allow to config ToC(Table of Contents) included in your Jupyter Notebook
  • Hide/show all codes in your Jupyter Notebook interactively
  • Generate a permanent link about your Jupyter Notebook
  • Download your Jupyter Notebook in one click

♈ Screenshots


♉ Runtime Environment Requirement

python 3

♊ Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/line/jnotebook-reader
cd jnotebook-reader
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

♋ How to configure


"default": {                                  # default config
    "server": {
        "port": 9088,                         # The port server listening on
        "root": "/jupyternb"                  # Context path, base url
    "storage": { # Storage type
        "type": "local",                      # local or s3
        "directories": [                      # If type is local effective
        "s3": {                               # s3 config, if type is s3 effective
            "endpoint": None,                 # s3 endpoint, if type is s3 required, if set with None would access to s3 global url
            "accessKey": "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",   # optional, default; request header "Access-Key" could replace it
            "secretKey": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",   # optional, default; request header "Secret-Key" could replace it
            "buckets": ["YOUR_BUCKET_NAME"],  # optional, default; request header "Bucket-Name" could replace it
    "logging": {
        "level": logging.DEBUG,
        "format": "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
        "filename": "/path/foo/bar/access.log"

How to configure for local storage

You can configure multiple directories to be accessed by the jnotebook-viewer at the same time. Depending on your preference, you can set it as list or dict.

1. "list" type

"directories": [

You can access it like:

2. "dict" type

"directories": {
    "a": "/path/foo/bar/1",
    "b": "/path/foo/bar/2"

You can access it like:

3. single directory

"directories": "/path/foo/bar/1"

You can access it like:

How to configure for S3 storage

You can configure multiple buckets to be accessed by the jnotebook-reader at the same time. Depending on your preference, you can set it as list or dict.

1. "list" type

"buckets": [

You can access it like:

2. "dict" type

"buckets": {
    "a": "bucket_name_1",
    "b": "bucket_name_2"

You can access it like:

3. single bucket

"buckets": "bucket_name_1"

You can access it like:

How to configure with environment variables

You can set configuration through environment variables. if environment variables set, the configuration file will be overwritten accordingly.

# Storage type, local or s3, default is local
# s3 endpoint, only for s3 storage type
# s3 access key, only for s3 storage type
# s3 secret key, only for s3 storage type
# s3 bucket name, could set multiple, separated by ',' only for s3 storage type
# local directories, could set multiple, separated by ',' only for local storage type

♌ API Spec


GET http://localhost:9088/:id/(:prefix|:key|:path)

Path Variable

Name Type Description
id string ID defined by user
prefix string S3 object prefix
key string S3 object key
path string Local file path


Name Type Description
Access-Key string S3 access key id
Secret-Key string S3 secret access key
Bucket-Name string S3 bucket name


s3 with request headers

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:9088/5e26886d36b28f778dddcf0f/folder/test.ipynb \
  -H 'access-key: your_access_key' \
  -H 'bucket-name: test_bucket_name' \
  -H 'secret-key: your_secret_key'

s3 with config buckets

curl -X GET http://localhost:9088/0/folder/test.ipynb


curl -X GET http://localhost:9088/1/folder/test.ipynb

♍ Production

If you want to release jnotebook_reader as a production service, it is recommended that you install waitress-serve to manage your service.

git clone https://github.com/line/jnotebook-reader
cd jnotebook-reader
pip install -r requirements.txt
waitress-serve --call --listen=:9088 'app:create_app' &

♒ Docker

docker build -t jnotebook_reader -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -p 9088:9088 \
    -it --rm jnotebook_reader

♓ Kubernetes

# Rollout jnotebook_reader deployment on Kubernetes cluster ( all resources are created in jnotebook-reader namespace )
kubectl apply -f docker/deployment.yml

# Get jnotebook_reader port
The examples deploy a NodePort service, so you have to check for the port it is mapped to:

kubectl get svc -n jnotebook-reader

Use the second port you find in the output to access jnotebook_reader, for instance:

NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
jnotebook-reader-svc   NodePort   <none>        9088:30693/TCP   25s

Type in browser -> http://{kubernetes_cluster_ip}:30693

# Destroy all resources
kubectl delete ns jnotebook-reader

☮️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for contributing to jnotebook-reader.

If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability or have an issue related to security, please DO NOT open a public issue. Instead, send us a mail to dl_oss_dev@linecorp.com.

♎ License

Copyright 2020 LINE Corporation

LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.

See LICENSE for more detail.