
Get disk usage for mount point

Primary LanguageGo

Clone this project

git clone git clone https://github.com/kitex/diskusage.git
cd diskusage

This is utility application for showing disk usage by partition 💬


go mod init main
get golang.org/x/sys/unix

Set build architecture and run build command 👋

set GOOS=linux 
go build -o diskusage //If building for current system just use this line only

Example command

sudo ./diskusage -mount="/" -sort="diskusage"

Here are few application parameters


  • argument is for mount point


  • argument for sorting by diskusage or mount point.
  • The default is sort by mount point *

Sometime files cannot be read due to system file or transient files. These files which are not read (specially in / mount point) are written in log file called execution.log

I'm a Developer 💻,Motivator 📸, and Avid Reader

Running the application: (Need to run as sudo user because root directory has permission issue)

sudo ./diskusage -mount="/" -sort="diskusage"

🔭 I'm currently working on

  • React Project
  • Clickhouse
  • My Health
  • My Linux Skill / Azure / DevOps
  • My SRE skill

🌱 I'm currently learning

  • 📱 React Native
  • Clickhouse
  • Prometheus
  • Reliability
  • GoLang