This project was made just for fun. Copies a random tweet and tweeting it in "MoCkINg SpOngEbOB MEme" text format. Go troll on twitter.
npm init
Install twit.js
npm install twit
Create Twitter App on and Get your Twitter API
// Mocking Spongebob Meme twitter bot
// Mocks on random tweet
// Copies a tweet and convert to Mocking Spongebob Meme Text
// npm install twit
const Twit = require('twit')
// importing API tokens from another file
// consumer_key: '...',
// consumer_secret: '...',
// access_token: '...',
// access_token_secret: '...',
const token = require('./token')
// creating new to object to connect the API tokens to installed twit package
const T = new Twit(token)
setInterval(streaming, 1000*60*10) //setting stream interval every 10 mins
streaming() // reading and selecting tweets
replyStream() // reading and replying replies
// Choosing random tweet -----------------
function streaming() {
// setting bound box of a country
// source 'graydon/'
let PH = [117.17427453, 5.58100332277, 126.537423944, 18.5052273625]
let stream ='statuses/filter', { locations: PH }) // setting filter to selected country
stream.on('tweet', tweets) // streaimng filtered tweets
function tweets(twts) {
let name = twts.user.screen_name // copying the username who posted the tweet
let txt = twts.text // copying the tweet
let ID = twts.id_str // copying the tweet ID
let count = 0 // setting my tweet counter
if (twts.text.length < 100){ // filtering tweets with less then 100 characters, I hate long tweets
if(!txt.includes('https://') && !txt.includes('@')) { // filtering tweets with media and menstioned name, to avoid retweeting links
// calling mock function and converting the text to "MoCkiNg SpoNGebOB TeXt"
// adding '...edi waw' to increase mocking factor
txt = mock(txt + ' ...edi waw')'statuses/update', { status: `@${name}\n${txt}` }, function(err, data, response) { // posting a tweet mentioning the random person with their converted tweet
if (err) console.log(err)
else console.log('tweeted!') // check if successful
like(ID) // licking the chosen tweet by the tweet ID
count ++ // my tweet counter increment
if (count === 1) stream.stop() // limiting the activity with 1 post, then set the setInterval to repeat the process
// Reply -----------------
function replyStream() {
let my_stream ='statuses/filter', { track: '@your_username' }); // filtering tweets related to your account
my_stream.on('tweet', replies) // streaming filtered tweets
function replies(twts) {
let name = twts.user.screen_name // copying the username who posted the tweet
let txt = twts.text // copying the tweet
let reply_to = twts.in_reply_to_screen_name // copying the username whom reply was sent
let ID = twts.id_str // copying the reply tweet ID
if (reply_to === 'your_username') { // filtering if there are replies to you
// removing your username on the tweet
// calling mock function and converting the text to "MoCkiNg SpoNGebOB TeXt"
// adding 'nye nye nye nye' to increase mocking factor
txt = mock(txt.replace(/@your_username/g,'') + ' nye nye nye nye')'statuses/update', { status: `@${name}\n${txt}`, in_reply_to_status_id:'' + ID}, function(err, data, response) { // posting the reply
if (err) console.log(err)
else console.log('tweeted!') // check if successful
like(ID) // licking the reply tweet by the reply tweet ID
// Mocking Spongebob Function
function mock(txt) {
let text = txt.toLowerCase() // setting all characters to lowercase
let res = ""
for(let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) { // looping the characters
let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) // setting random number 0 OR 1
if(rand === 0) { // if 0 convert the letter to uppercase
res += text.charAt(i).toUpperCase()
else { // leave as is
res += text.charAt(i)
return res
// like the tweet
function like(ID){'favorites/create', { id:'' + ID }, function(err, data, response) {
if (err) console.log(err)
else console.log('liked!')})