cpecmu-report 0.1.1 -------------------- This package provides a LaTeX document class for producing senior project reports at the Deparment of Computer Engineering, Chiang Mai University, using LaTeX 2e. You can use a sample report, in "sampleReport.tex", as a template for writing your report. To prepare your system for using this document, please install the following software as prerequisites: - LaTeX distribution (e.g., MikTeX on Windows; TeXLive on MacOS) - Perl programming language (e.g., ActiveState Perl on Windows; already installed on MacOS) Afterwards, make sure the following LaTeX packages are installed with your LaTeX distribution: - latexmk - fonts-tlwg - fonts-arundina - tex-gyre - tex-gyre-math For MikTeX on Windows, these packages can be installed via the following command: mpm --install=latexmk,fonts-tlwg,fonts-arundina,tex-gyre,tex-gyre-math Detailed (albeit still incomplete in places) documentation for the document class can be found in the file "cpecmu.pdf". Please read this documentation if you run into any problems, because it explains how to deal with some common errors. There are a few ways to build the sample report. If you have "make" available, you can type "make" to build the sample report. The supplied Makefile can be used as a starting point for building your own report. The sample report can also be built within Visual Studio Code. To get started, install the "LaTeX Workshop" extension, then add the following entry into "settings.json", under "settings" key: "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [ { "name": "latexmk", "command": "latexmk", "args": [ "-pdfxe", "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-error", "%DOC%" ] } ] See https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/wiki/Compile#latex-recipes for details. This extension allows you to view the PDF file within Visual Studio Code. You can also use SyncTeX to navigate back and forth between source code and PDF output. See https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/wiki/View for details. This template and its related files, including the cpecmu document class, may be updated from time to time. To update your own report repository with latest changes, first add the following remote into your repo: git remote add template_remote git@github.com:cpecmu/cpe-project-ex.git Then, fetch and merge updates using these commands: git fetch template_remote git merge -s recursive -X ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories \ template_remote/master Note that this merge strategy will overwrite files that are present in the template repository; you should check for changes to your own files before committing.