
Data about popular technologies from GitHub and Stack Overflow

Primary LanguageJava



  • GithubData.java
    • Finds the popularity of GitHub topics
      • Finds all GitHub repositories with id between two values (inclusive)
      • Finds the topics of repositories that have at least 1,000 stars and have most recently been updated
      • Finds how many repositories have used each topic, and orders the topics based on this
    • Finds GitHub repositories with specific characteristics
      • Finds repositories with a minimum number of issues, and a maximum number of commits
      • Finds repositories with a minimum number of issues, a maximum number of commits, and a maximum number of lines of code
  • github_topics.txt - The topics of repositories that have at least 1,000 stars and have most recently been updated
  • github_popularity.txt - The topics in github_topics.txt ordered by how many repositories have used each topic
  • github_repositories_[n].txt - Repositories with specific characteristics


  • StackOverflowData.java - Finds how many questions have used each tag, and orders the tags based on this
  • stack_overflow_popularity.txt - The tags ordered by how many questions have used each tag


  • ComparePopularity.java - Compares the popularity order of topics and tags
  • popularity_comparison.txt - The comparison of the popularity order of topics and tags