This is an ajax upload system for symfony.
author : Philippe Le Van (@plv)
hum... as usual...
put the code in vendors/Kitpages/FileBundle
add vendors/ in the app/autoload.php
add the new Bundle in app/appKernel.php
You need to create a table in the database : launch command: php app/console doctrine:schema:update
In form Class $builder->add( 'fileId', 'hidden', array( "label" => "File" ) );
In file Twig
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset ("bundles/kitpagesfile/uploadify/jquery.uploadify.min.js") }}"></script>{% include 'KitpagesFileBundle:Upload:pluginJs.html.twig' ignore missing %}
<form class="standard-form" {{ form_enctype(form) }} method="POST">
<div id="form">
{{ form_row(
) }}
{{ form_widget(form.file) }}
{% render 'KitpagesFileBundle:Upload:widget' with {'fieldId': 'form_fileId', 'itemClass': 'AppSiteBundle:Document', 'itemId':, parameterList:{'multi': false, 'publishParent': false} } %}
{{ form_widget(form) }}
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
Attention fieldId = the attribute ID of input generate by "{{ form_widget(form.fileId) }}" in the form
updates an existing database in version1.2.0
Step1: add the following entries to the deps in the root of your project file:
[Imagine] git= target=imagine
[KitpagesFileSystemBundle] git= target=Kitpages/FileSystemBundle
Step2: Configure the autoloader
Add the following entries to your autoloader:
registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'Imagine' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/imagine/lib', )); Step3: AppKernel.php Add the following entries to your autoloader: $bundles = array( ... new Kitpages\FileSystemBundle\KitpagesFileSystemBundle(), ); Step4: Configuration example ===================== kitpages_file: tmp_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/data/tmp type_list: image: resize: form: 'kit_file.image.resize.form' form_twig: 'KitpagesFileBundle:ActionOnFile:Image/Resize/form.html.twig' handler_form: 'kit_file.image.resize.form.handler' library: '' kitpages_file_system: file_system_list: kitpagesFile: local: directory_public: %kernel.root_dir%/../web directory_private: %kernel.root_dir% base_url: %base_url% Step5: php bin/vendors update Step6: launch command: php app/console kitFile:updateDatabase Extend entity ============ see entity File create a entity - class Extendentity extends FileBase create a repository - class ExtendentityRepository extends FileBaseRepository { CONST entity = 'AppSiteBundle:Extendentity'; } complete config.yml entity_file_name_list: default : class: Kitpages\FileBundle\Entity\File data_dir_prefix: /default Extendentity : class: App\SiteBundle\Entity\Extendentity data_dir_prefix: /ExtendentityDir