
This is a very simple cache system

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Very simple cache system for symfony2. The cache data are saved in one table in database.

author : Philippe Le Van (twitter : @plv) http://www.kitpages.fr/fr/cms/102/kitpagessimplecachebundle


hum... as usual...

put the code in vendors/Kitpages/SimpleCacheBundle

add vendors/ in the app/autoload.php

add the new Bundle in app/appKernel.php

You need to create a table in the database :

CREATE TABLE `simple_cache_backend` (
  `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `data` longtext COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)',
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `expired_at` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

(or you can use php app/console doctrine:schema:update)

Users Guide

1/ record & retrieve into/from the cache

$cacheManager = $this->get('kitpages.simple_cache');
$html = $cacheManager->get(
    function() {
        $output = "hello world";
        sleep (3);
        return $output;

2/ clear the cache

$cacheManager = $this->get('kitpages.simple_cache');

3/ a more complex example : arguments given to the callback and expiration

$html = $cacheManager->get(
    function($arg1, $arg2) {
        $output = "hello world";
        sleep (3);
        return $output;
    array(12, 34),

4/ multiple delete in the cache

$cacheManager = $this->get('kitpages.simple_cache');
// remove all the entries in the cache beginning by "my-cache-"