
This bundle provides a step system for a future workflow system

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Build Status

This bundle provides a step system for a future workflow system


11/02/2014 : v1.1.0

  • no BC Break
  • new : stopwatch to see step usages in the timeline of the SF2 debug toolbar
  • enh : more unit tests

05/12/2013 : v1.0.0

  • major refactor and separation between chain and steps

Actual state

This bundle is stable, tested and under travis-ci.


Add KitpagesStepBundle in your composer.json

    "require": {
        "kitpages/step-bundle": "*"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the step:

$ php composer.phar update kitpages/step-bundle


$bundles = array(
    new Kitpages\StepBundle\KitpagesStepBundle(),

create a step

Each step must implements StepInterface or extend StepAbstract. The DIC is injected to the step with the method setContainer.

namespace Kitpages\StepBundle\Tests\Sample;

use Kitpages\StepBundle\Step\StepAbstract;

class StepSample extends StepAbstract
    public function execute() {
        // do whatever you want
        return $whatever;

Configuration example

The following configuration defines 2 steps :

  • kitpagesMep : a production start
  • kitpagesCms : instantiate a KitpagesCms

Let's see the configuration in config.yml

            class: '\Kitpages\StepBundle\Step\CodeCopy'
                src_dir: '/home/webadmin/htdocs/dev/www.kitpages.com'
                dest_dir: '/home/webadmin/htdocs/prod/www.kitpages.com'
                short: copy a directory to another
                complete: |
                    This step copies a directory to another
                    @param string return string returned by the step
                    @service listener service used for xxx
                    @event:returnValue string
                    @return boolean true if ok or false

            parent_shared_step: CodeCopy
                dest_dir: '/home/webadmin/htdocs/pre-prod/www.kitpages.com'
            class: '\Kitpages\StepBundle\Step\GitKitpages'
                url: git.kitpages.com
                logger: logger

using app/console

run a step with app/console

# run a step with parameters defined in config.yml
php app/console kitpages:step:run-step CodeCopy

# run a step with custom parameters
php app/console kitpages:step:run-step CodeCopy --p=src_dir:'/home/webadmin/src' --p=dest_dir:'/tmp/destDir'

run a step with PHP

$stepKitpages = $this->get("kitpages_step.step");
$codeCopyStepKitpages = $stepKitpages->getStep('CodeCopy');
$codeCopyStepKitpages->setParameter('src_dir', '/home/webadmin/htdocs/dev/cms2.kitpages.com');


Using events

With events, you can alter the way each step is executed. You can :

  • prevent the step from running the execute() method. $event->preventDefault()
  • alter the step before or after the execution
  • change return value
  • ...

Create a listener :

namespace Foo\Bar;
class StepListener
    public function onStepExecute(StepEvent $event)
        $step = $event->getStep();
        // do whatever you want with the current step
        // $event->preventDefault();
        // $event->stopPropagation();
        // log something ?

register listener :

        class: Foo\Bar\StepListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kitpages_step.on_step_execute, method: onStepExecute }
use Kitpages\StepBundle\Step\StepEvent;

$event = new StepEvent();

$stepKitpages = $this->get("kitpages_step.step");
$codeCopyStepKitpages = $stepKitpages->getStep('CodeCopy');
$codeCopyStepKitpages->setParameter('src_dir', '/home/webadmin/htdocs/dev/cms2.kitpages.com');


old versions before fork

04/23/2013 : v1.4.0 help system steps 04/18/2013 : v1.3.0 step inheritance with the optional 02/19/2013 : v1.2.0 step parameter template rendering 02/18/2013 : v1.1.0 steps are not container aware anymore. Services are injected in config.yml 02/18/2013 : v1.0.0 first stable version