
A Dojo 2 Widget Concept Prototype

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


pidgin is a prototype widget based system for Dojo 2. It relies upon another key technology:

The main design goals of this prototype are:

  • Leverage the next generation browser technologies
  • Leverage AMD
  • Fit well into Dojo 2


_Widget is very roughly a Dijit like AMD abstract class Widget that leverages the next generation of browser technologies, including Custom Elements, Pointer Events and Model Driven Views. While it tries to be like Dijit where it can, there are some fundamental concept shifts:

  • The node is the widget and the widget is the node. By using Custom Elements, the constructor for all widgets is based off of the HTMLElement DOM object.This has several advantages, in that as you manipulate the DOM nodes, you are also dealing with the widget instances.This also means there is no widget registry, because the document is effectively the registry. You can use whatever DOM manipulation API you want to move the widget around.

  • One of the benefits of Custom Elements is that the specification allows you to create your own "valid" attributes. A developer can specify attributes to be copied to properties during initialisation of the widget. Combined with the ability to declare an instance of a widget via its custom tag, this effectively means there is no need for a dojo/parser to be able to provide the "declarative syntax".

  • It leverages ES5 accessor properties instead of using the discreet accessors. This means there is no widget.get() and widget.set(). You can affect the widget directly.

  • It directly supports reactive templating (based on pidgin/tmpl and MDV) directly in the base Widget.

For more information on _Widget see the _Widget documentation.


This is a widget that extends the HTMLButtonElement interface. Its custom tag is pd-button. To instantiate it declaratively, you would do this:

<pd-button>Click Me!</pd-button>
<!-- or -->
<pd-button label="Click Me!"></pd-button>

Do instantiate it programmatically you would do something like this:

require(['pidgin/Button'], function (Button) {
	var button1 = new Button();
	button1.label = 'Click Me!';

	/* Or create it via its tag */
	var button2 = document.createElement('pd-button');
	button2.label = 'Click me Instead!';


widgets is the utility module of pidgin. Currently its only purpose is to register widgets with the current document.

For example, to create and register a new type of widget you would do something like:

require(['pidgin/widgets', 'pidgin/_Widget'], function (widgets, _Widget) {
	var MyWidget = widget.register('x-my-widget', HTMLElement, _Widget, {
		foo: 'bar'

	// new works
	var myWidget1 = new MyWidget();

	// creation by tag works
	var myWidget2 = document.createElement('x-my-widget');


tmpl is an AMD plugin for loading and referencing MDV templates. It is specifically designed to work well with Widget.