This is from one of the Google's CTF 2020 challenges, namely the writeonly.


  • modified the Dockerfile to connect the chal to port 1337. So we can run the container locally and test it
  • an alternate exploit. inject the code directly within the child's loop and print the flag instead of starting a shell
  • added a Makefile for commands used frequently during the hack

Challenge Description

Sandbox Writeonly

This sandbox executes any shellcode you send. But thanks to seccomp, you won't be able to read /home/user/flag.

Details (warning: spoilers)

This challenge is intended as a beginners challenge and should be solvable without too much time investment by experienced players.

The setup is as follows:

  • the challenge reads shellcode from the user
  • forks a new process
  • child:
    • sleep indefinitely
  • parent:
    • set up a seccomp filter that doesn't allow reading
    • executes the shellcode of the player

The intended solution is to inject code into the child. I.e. opening /proc/childpid/mem, seeking to the right address and writing 2nd stage shellcode that reads the flag.