
A Google App Engine application to fetch article headlines from news sites. The result is available as JSON. Frontend UI using Vue and Bootstrap

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Google App Engine application to parse RSS feeds and HTML pages to extract headlines. Result is available via JSON.

Memcache is used to reduce process time. There is no memcache service for GCP Python 3 runtime and the Memorystore for Redis isn't free, so no caching is done on the app server side. For now, use the cache-control header to have browser and GCP's proxy to do the caching.

UI is implemented with Vue. To generate the UI, run npm run build under the folder newssum-ui. Then copy all the content under newssum-ui/dist folder to the static folder under root.

A sample instance is hosted at https://news-sum.appspot.com/

Feel free to fork and add more sources (refer to the sources folder). Classes under the sources folder that extend the BaseSource class will be automatically discovered by the get_sources function and added to the list.


Assuming python3 and npm are installed.

git clone https://github.com/kitsook/newssum.git
cd newssum
# install python packages
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# compile UI
cd newssum-ui
npm install && npm run build
cp -r dist/* ../static
cd ..
# run local server
python main.py