this package is a serverless function that provides an api to dynamically generate og images for my blog.
send requests to /api
with the following params:
title: blog post title
createdAt: utc date string
tags: array of strings (just pass the param multiple times)
example: api?title=typesafe%20translations%20with%20react-i18next%20and%20typescript&tags=redux&tags=react&createdAt=2022-09-18
make sure you have the vercel-cli installed npm i -g @vercel/cli
run npm install
run npm start
-> just runs vercel dev
the application uses your locally installed chrome binary to skip the full download of playwright. to customize your chromium executable path create an .env
file in the root, and add the env variable OG_CHROMIUM_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/google-chrome
here's how you can install chrome in ubuntu inside wsl2
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip xvfb libxi6 libgconf-2-4 fonts-liberation
# get latest chrome
# install it
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb