@thatopen/components Stream monorepo example

This example repo allows you to pick an ifc file and have it processed for streaming.


  • node 20 LTS + npm


1. Install dependencies and start the web app

cd client
npm install
npm run dev

3. Convert IFC File to tiles with the api server

The api in server/ will generate the following files, save them on the filesystem and add an entry to a sqlite database. In a real application, you'd most likely want to save the files on s3, or some other type of managed storage solution.

// geometry files
type GeometryTileFileId = `ifc-processed-geometries-${number}`;
type GeometryGlobalFileId = `ifc-processed-global`;
type GeometrySettingsFileId = `ifc-processed.json`;

// property files
type PropertyTileFileId = `ifc-processed-properties-${number}`;
type PropertyIndexesFileId = `ifc-processed-properties-indexes`;
type PropertySettingsFileId = `ifc-processed-properties.json`;

Start the api server

cd server
npm install
npm run migrate # setup the sqlite database
npm run dev # start the api server on http://localhost:3000

You can import the postman collection to Postman, to have all available api endpoints.

Send your ifc file to your api via a POST request

curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/models' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/aspieslechner/Downloads/ifcjs/200226 FH2_Tragwerk IFC4 Design.ifc"'

This will start the conversion, and return a response like this.

  "message": "ifc tiling started",
  "conversionId": "LHS10IpZ"

You can see all the converted models in the database by doing a GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/models (or opening it in the browser).

Depending on your file size, you might have to wait a bit until it all files are generated (todo: create an endpoint to get progress)

4. Stream the model into the viewer

Open http://localhost:8080. This should fetch all available models. Copy an ID and paste it into the text input. Click the button to stream it into the viewer.

