High Quality Hypergraph Partitioning via Max-Flow-Min-Cut Computations

Abstract Currently, algorithms based on the FM idea are the only practical heuristics to improve a k-way partition in a multilevel hypergraph partitioner. However, they are often criticized for their limited ability to lookahead. It might be more beneficial to move a hypernode with small gain, because it will induce many good moves later. We present an alternative local search approach based on Max-Flow-Min-Cut computations. The framework is inspired by the work of Sanders and Schulz who successfully showed that flow-based refinement in combination with the FM algorithm significantly improve the quality of partitions in a multilevel graph partitioner. In this work, we develop different modeling techniques of a hypergraph as flow network and show how to improves the connectivity metric of a k-way partition by building a flow problem on a subset of the vertices. We integrated the framework in the hypergraph partitioner KaHyPar by applying and adapting the basic framework of Sanders and Schulz. On our large benchmark set with 3222 instances our new configuration outperforms all state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioner on 70% of the instances. In comparison to the latest configuration of KaHyPar our new approach produces 2% better quality by a performance slowdown only by a factor of 2.

Illustration of our Flow-Based Refinement Framework

Max-Flow-Min-Cut Hypergraph Partitioning Framework

Comparison with other Hypergraph Partitioner

Our full benchmark set consists of 488 hypergraphs. We choose our benchmarks from three different research areas. For VLSI design we use instances from the ISPD98 VLSI Circuit Benchmark Suite and add more recent instances of the DAC 2012 Routability-Driven Placement Contest. Further, we interpret the Sparse Matrix instances of the Florida Sparse Matrix collection as hypergraphs using the row-net model. Our last benchmark type are SAT formulas of the International SAT Competition 2014. We compare our flow-based framework KaHyPar-MF against the state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioner hMetis and PaToH. hMetis provides a direct k-way (hMetis-K) and recursive bisection (hMetis-R) implementation. Further, we also use the default configuration (PaToH-D) and quality preset (PaToH-Q) of PaToH. Additionally, we use the latest configuration with (C)ommunity-(A)ware coarsening of KaHyPar (KaHyPar-CA). For an explanation of the plot below, we refer the reader to KaHyPar.

Comparision with other Hypergraph Partitioner