SDSL RMQ Experiment Repository


git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

Execute RMQ-Experiments

Make sure you have created the folders results/ and benchmark/ before you start the experiment script.

Starting the experiment:

python scripts/ --length=8 --seq_type=random --delta=0
  • --length=N specifies the size of the sequence, which is 10N
  • --seq_type=type with type = {random,increasing,decreasing} specifies the input type (see paper)
  • --delta=x specifies the delta of pseudo-increasing and -decreasing sequences (see paper)

Results are located in folder results/ after experiment execution. Use R-Script script/rmq_stats.R to convert results into tikz-Figures.

Execute LCP-Experiments

Make sure you have downloaded the pizza&chilli benchmarks with script pizza&chilli/

Starting the experiment:

python scripts/

Results are located in folder results/ after experiment execution. Use R-Script script/lcp_stats.R to convert results into tikz-Figures.