TinyWM is written by Nick Welch <nick@incise.org> in 2005 & 2011. This software is in the public domain and is provided AS IS, with NO WARRANTY. TinyWM is a ridiculously tiny window manager implemented in nearly as few lines of C as possible, without being obfuscated or entirely useless. It allows you to move, resize, focus (sloppy), and raise windows -- that's it! TinyWM's main purpose is to serve as a quick example of some window manager programming basics. Files: Makefile: highly advanced build system tinywm.c: the code annotated.c: same, but with tons of rambling comments about everything tinywm.py: a python version (requires CVS python-xlib due to a bug) Usage: Focus follows pointer. Alt+Button1, drag: interactive window move Alt+Button3, drag: interactive window resize Alt+F1: raise focused window Misc: Another very small window manager is failsafewm. Originally I started hacking on it, as there was quite a bit of stuff in it that I thought was unneeded. I wound up rewriting it from scratch, with just the bare necessities, and that became TinyWM. http://freshmeat.net/projects/failsafewm/ Yet another small -- but in comparison to TinyWM, big -- window manager is aewm. It's a good example for learning about writing a window manager. http://www.red-bean.com/~decklin/aewm/