
Web application for the storefront

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular.JS Single Page Application with Node.JS backend

This project is part of the 'IBM Cloud Native Reference Architecture' suite, available at https://cloudnativereference.dev/

Table of Contents


The sample Web application is built to demonstrate how to access the Omnichannel APIs hosted on Kubernetes Environment. The application provides the basic function to allow user to browse the Catalog items, make an Order and review profile. The Web application is built with AngularJS in Web 2.0 Single Page App style. It uses a Node.js backend to host the static content and implement the BFF (Backend for Frontend) pattern.

Application Architecture

Here is an overview of the project's features

  • AngularJS SPA.
  • Node.js based BFF application to access APIs.
  • Authentication and Authorization through OAuth 2.0.
  • DevOps toolchain to build/deploy web app.
  • Distributed as Docker container and deployed to Kubernetes cluster.


  • Create a Kubernetes Cluster by following the steps here.
  • Install the following CLI's on your laptop/workstation:
  • Clone web repository:
$ git clone  https://github.com/ibm-garage-ref-storefront/storefront-ui

Deploy Web Application to Kubernetes Cluster

In order for the Web Application to fully work, you will need to do the following:

  • Deploy all the microservice charts into your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Install the web chart and set the endpoints for the microservices.

Note that you will need a cluster with about 8GB of available RAM to be able to deploy all of the microservices and also run the web application.

Setup: Install Microservice Charts

The main benefit of leveraging the microservice helm charts is that the charts will take care of things such as initializing the database and checking that their dependency charts (i.e. MySQL, CouchDB, and Elasticsearch) are fully up and running before starting themselves.

The main thing to get right when installing the microservice charts is to make sure that the auth, customer (installed with auth), and orders charts share the same HS256_KEY secret, which is used to sign the JWT token that is used to make requests such as login, viewing profile, and making purchases.

To install the microservice charts, run the commands below:

# Set HS256_KEY secret, which will be used by the charts

# Add ibmcase-charts helm repo
helm repo add ibmcase-charts https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibm-cloud-architecture/refarch-cloudnative-kubernetes/spring/docs/charts;

# Install catalog chart, which also installs inventory dependency chart
helm upgrade --install catalog --version 0.5.0 --set service.type=NodePort ibmcase-charts/catalog;

# Install auth chart, which also installs customer dependency chart
helm upgrade --install auth --version 0.5.0 --set service.type=NodePort,customer.service.type=NodePort --set hs256hey.secret=$HS256_KEY,customer.hs256hey.secret=$HS256_KEY ibmcase-charts/auth;

# Install orders chart
helm upgrade --install orders --version 0.5.0 --set service.type=NodePort --set hs256hey.secret=$HS256_KEY ibmcase-charts/orders;

To check if the charts were successfully deployed, you can run the following command:

helm list

auth    1         Mon Sep  3 14:14:34 2018  DEPLOYED  auth-0.5.0    default
catalog 1         Mon Sep  3 14:14:29 2018  DEPLOYED  catalog-0.5.0 default
orders  1         Mon Sep  3 14:14:37 2018  DEPLOYED  orders-0.5.0  default

The above output shows that the charts themselves were deployed properly. However, the above output does not explain the state of the pods themselves. To check whether the pods themselves are running in a healthy state, run the following command:

kubectl get pods

NAME                                                        READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
auth-auth-5454cfdf46-dcgng                                  1/1       Running     0          2m
auth-customer-55f6495fbb-9x56k                              1/1       Running     0          2m
auth-customer-create-user-0jrwm-dnzxz                       0/1       Error       0          2m
auth-customer-create-user-0jrwm-zrr8v                       0/1       Completed   0          1m
bluecompute-catalog-elasticsearch-client-78b9dbcb69-r4z8z   1/1       Running     0          2m
bluecompute-catalog-elasticsearch-data-0                    1/1       Running     0          2m
bluecompute-catalog-elasticsearch-master-0                  1/1       Running     0          2m
bluecompute-catalog-elasticsearch-master-1                  1/1       Running     0          1m
bluecompute-customer-customercouchdb-0                      2/2       Running     0          2m
bluecompute-inventory-mysql-8474847fdb-45f9b                1/1       Running     0          2m
bluecompute-orders-mysql-79bb65b6f9-cxz9t                   1/1       Running     0          2m
catalog-catalog-5b5fd6ff5-mz2r2                             1/1       Running     0          2m
catalog-inventory-7c5977bcbd-lrpp8                          1/1       Running     0          2m
catalog-inventory-populate-mysql-acidq-9hs5b                0/1       Completed   0          2m
orders-orders-7f54ddd894-f7fnw                              1/1       Running     0          2m

The output above shows you all of the pods that were created by the helm upgrade commands. Here is a simple breakdown of what each of these pods are:

  • The auth-auth- pod is the pod for the Auth microservice.
  • The auth-customer- pod is the pod for the Customer microservice.
    • The reason for the auth- prefix is because it was installed as part of the Auth microservice chart.
  • The auth-customer-create-user- are part of a job that attempts to create a user via the Customer microservice.
    • The reason you see more than 1 is because the Kubernetes Job will create new pods until the job (which runs in the pod) succeeds.
    • The pods, successful or not, are still left behind for debugging purposes.
  • The bluecompute-catalog-elasticsearch- pods belong to the Elasticsearch instance that runs as part of the Catalog chart.
  • The bluecompute-customer-customercouchdb- pod belongs to the CouchDB instance that runs as part of the Customer chart.
  • The bluecompute-inventory-mysql- pod belongs to the MySQL instance that runs as part of the Inventory chart, which itself is included in the Catalog chart.
  • The bluecompute-orders-mysql- pod belongs to the MySQL instance that runs as part of the Orders chart.
  • The catalog-catalog- pod is the pod for the Catalog microservice.
  • The catalog-inventory- pod is the pod for the Inventory microservice, which is included in the Catalog chart.
  • The catalog-inventory-populate-mysql- is part of a job that attempts to populate the Inventory MySQL instance with inventory data.
  • The orders-orders- pod is the pod for the Orders microservice.

The best way to tell that everything is working is that both Job pods (create-user and populate-mysql) have a status of Completed (even if a previous job failed) and all other pods have a status of Running.

Deploy Web Application Chart

In this section, we are going to deploy the Web Application using Helm as well as setting the microservice endpoints to the right services in Kubernetes. To do so, follow the instructions below:

# Deploy Web and MySQL to Kubernetes cluster
helm upgrade --install web --set service.type=NodePort \
  --set services.auth.host=auth-auth,services.auth.port=8083 \
  --set services.catalog.host=catalog-catalog,services.catalog.port=8081 \
  --set services.customer.host=auth-customer,services.customer.port=8082 \
  --set services.orders.host=orders-orders,services.orders.port=8084 \

The last command will give you instructions on how to access/test the Web application. Please note that all other microservices must be fully up and running for the Web application to work properly.

To check and wait for the deployment status, you can run the following command:

$ kubectl get deployments -w
web-web   			      1         1         1            1           10h

The -w flag is so that the command above not only retrieves the deployment but also listens for changes. If you a 1 under the CURRENT column, that means that the web app deployment is ready.

Validate the Web Application

Once the application is deployed, open a new web browser window and enter the following address:

  • http://${IP_ADDRESS}:${PORT}


  • ${IP_ADDRESS} is either the Node IP address of one of your Kubernetes cluster's worker nodes or localhost (if running from your workstation).
  • ${PORT} is either the Node Port of one of your Kubernetes cluster's worker nodes or 8000 (if running from your workstation).

If successful, you should see the home page below: home

Now let's click the Catalog tab or the BROWSE ITEM CATALOG button to open catalog page, which should look like the following: catalog

If you are able to see the catalog above, then that means that the Catalog service was able to serve data from its Elasticsearch database, which gets populated by pulling data from the Inventory service.

Now, let's attempt to login using the Auth service, which will then allow us purchase items from the catalog. To start login, first click the Log In tab, which will bring the login below: login

If you see the above window, enter the following credentials and click Sign in button:

  • Username: user
  • Password: passw0rd

If login was successful, you will be taken back to the catalog page below, which now shows the Profile and Logout tabs in the top right bar: catalog_login

Now that we are logged in, let's attempt to purchase one of the items in the catalog. For this example, we are going to purchase the Electric Card Collator. To start the buying process, click on the Electric Card Collator image, which will take you to its details page: purchase

Once you get the page above, click on the dropdown button under the Place your order here: text, select 2, and then click the Buy button. You should get the * Your order was placed successfully! green message, which means your order was successful.

To see the order details, let's go to the profile tab by clicking the Profile tab on the top right. purchase

On the profile page above you will see 2 sections. The left section is the user profile section, which displays user data from the Customer microservice. The right section is the Order History section, which should display the Electric Card Collator order you just made. If that's the case, then that means that you have validated the web application!

Feel free to play around and explore the Web application.

Deploy Web Application on Docker

You can also run the Web Application locally on Docker. Before we show you how to do so, you will need to do the following:

  • Deploy all of the microservices in a Kubernetes cluster.
    • We are choosing to go this route for simplicity and to avoid deploying all of the microservices in your workstation and potentially overload it.
  • Edit the StoreWebApp/config/default.json and add the endpoints for all the microservices.

Get the Microservices Endpoints

The microservice endpoints are composed of a worker node IP address and a node port for each microservice.

To get the IP address of one of your worker nodes, run one of the following commands:

# IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service:
NODE_IP=$(bx cs workers $YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME | grep -v '^*' | egrep -v "(ID|OK)" | awk '{print $2;}' | head -n1)

# IBM Cloud Private:

# Minikube:
NODE_IP=$(minikube ip)

# Others:
NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' | awk '{print $1}')

To get the node ports for all the microservices, just run the following command:

# Auth
AUTH_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace default get service auth-auth -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}');
# Catalog
CATALOG_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace default get service catalog-catalog -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}');
# Customer
CUSTOMER_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace default get service auth-customer -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}');
# Auth
ORDERS_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace default get service orders-orders -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}');

The above commands assume that the service names for the microservices are as shown above (auth-auth, catalog-catalog, auth-customer, and orders-orders). It also assumes that all of the services are of type NodePort, which is the way they were deployed in the Setup: Install Microservice Charts section. If your service names are different or you are in doubt of what they are, you can run the following command to confirm:

kubectl get services | grep NodePort

auth-auth                                     NodePort   <none>        8083:31355/TCP   3h
auth-customer                                 NodePort   <none>        8082:32376/TCP   3h
catalog-catalog                               NodePort   <none>        8081:30027/TCP   3h
orders-orders                                 NodePort    <none>        8084:31383/TCP   2h

The output above shows you the service names on the left column and their corresponding node ports in the 5th column between the : and the / (i.e. for auth-auth, the NodePort is 31355).

Deploy the Web Docker Container

To deploy the Web container, run the following commands:

# Build the Docker Image
$ docker build -t web .

# Start the Web Container
$ docker run --name web \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  -d web


  • $NODE_IP is IP address of a Kubernetes cluster worker node.
  • $AUTH_PORT is the node port for the Auth service.
  • $CATALOG_PORT is the node port for the Catalog service.
  • $CUSTOMER_PORT is the node port for the Customer service.
  • $ORDERS_PORT is the node port for the Orders service.

Assuming everything was deployed correctly, you can follow the instructions in Validate the Web Application section to make sure everything works as expected.

That's it, you have successfully deployed and tested the Web microservice in Docker.

Run Web Application on localhost

You can also run the Web Application locally on Docker. Before we show you how to do so, you will need to do the following:

  • Deploy all of the microservices in a Kubernetes cluster as shown in Setup: Install Microservice Charts.
    • We are choosing to go this route for simplicity and to avoid deploying all of the microservices in your workstation and potentially overload it.
  • Edit the StoreWebApp/config/default.json and add the endpoints for all the microservices.

Edit the Endpoints in the Config File

Open the StoreWebApp/config/default.json file and enter the worker node IP and the node port in the IP_ADDRESS:PORT format for each microservice in the following fields:

  • APIs.catalog.service_name
  • APIs.orders.service_name
  • APIs.customer.service_name
  • APIs.oauth20.service_name
    • This one is the auth service, FYI.

Now save the file and you should be good to go.

Start the Web Application

# Navigate to source folder
cd StoreWebApp;

# Install NPM and Bower dependencies
npm install;

# Start the application, which opens a new browser window
npm start;

Assuming everything was deployed correctly, you can follow the instructions in Validate the Web Application section to make sure everything works as expected.

That's it, you have successfully deployed and tested the Web microservice locally.

Run the Inventory application

  • After your project has been initialized you can then run your application using the following command:
appsody run 

Connect to the application in your browser: http://localhost:3000

This launches a Docker container that continuously re-builds and re-runs your project. You can continue to edit the application in your preferred IDE (VSCode or other) and your changes will be reflected in the running container within a few seconds.


You have successfully deployed and tested the Web Microservice on a Kubernetes Cluster and in local Docker Containers.

To see the Web app working in a more complex microservices use case, checkout our Microservice Reference Architecture Application here.