## Overview
This project analyzes financial records from a dataset (`budget_data.csv`) using Python.
It calculates various financial metrics including total number of months, net profit/loss, average change in profit/loss, and identifies the greatest increase and decrease in profits over the entire period.
## Dataset
The dataset (`budget_data.csv`) consists of two columns:
- **Date**: Date of the financial record.
- **Profit/Losses**: Financial profit or loss for the corresponding month.
## Requirements
- Python (version 3. recommended)
- CSV module (standard library in Python)
## Installation
1. Clone the repository:
git clone <https://github.com/kittychew/python-challenge>
cd /Users/katchu/Desktop/Data Analysis Bootcamp/python-challenge/PyBank/main.py
2. Install necessary dependencies
## Usage
1. Ensure Python and necessary modules are installed.
2. Run the Python script main.py to perform financial analysis on budget_data.csv.
## Files
• main.py: Python script for financial analysis.
• budget_data.csv: Dataset containing financial records.
## Output
Upon running main.py, the script will print the following financial metrics to the console:
• Total Number of Months
• Net Profit and Losses
• Average Change in Profit/Loss
• Greatest Increase in Profits (Date and Amount)
• Greatest Decrease in Profits (Date and Amount)
## Overview
This project aims to modernize the vote-counting process for a small, rural town using Python.
We analyze election data provided in a CSV file (election_data.csv) to calculate and display the following election metrics:
• The total number of votes cast
• A complete list of candidates who received votes
• The percentage of votes each candidate won
• The total number of votes each candidate won
• The winner of the election based on popular vote
## Dataset
The dataset (election_data.csv) consists of three columns:
• Voter ID: Unique identifier for each voter.
• County: County where the vote was cast.
• Candidate: Name of the candidate voted for by the voter.
## Requirements
- Python (version 3. recommended)
- CSV module (standard library in Python)
## Installation
1. Clone the repository:
git clone <https://github.com/kittychew/python-challenge>
cd /Users/katchu/Desktop/Data Analysis Bootcamp/python-challenge/PyPoll/main.py
2. Install necessary dependencies
## Usage
1. Ensure Python and necessary modules are installed.
2. Run the Python script main.py to perform election analysis on election_data.csv.
## Files
• main.py: Python script for election analysis.
• election_data.csv: Dataset containing election records.
## Output
Upon running main.py, the script will print the following election results to the console:
• Total Votes: Total number of votes cast
• List of Candidates: Each candidate who received votes, with their percentage of the total vote and total number of votes received
• Winner: Name of the candidate who won the election based on popular vote
## Resources
• ChatGPT: Consulted ChatGPT for assistance during the completion of both the PyBank and PyPoll projects.