Bloggin ith Octopress 3.0


Before make shure that Ruby is installed

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin14.0]

Ok, lets install Octopress

gem install octopress --pre
gem install jekyll

Create a NEW octopress project

$ octopress new tech-blog
$ cd blog
$ octopress serve -w

We can use jekyll s or jekyll serve as well, Octopress is build on top of Jekyll, note that -w in the octopress command will watch for any changes and apply it directly to the blog, without this key you’ll need to restart octopress everytime you make a change.


source ''

gem 'jekyll'

group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'octopress', '~> 3.0.0.rc'

If we need a new gem (now themes ang plugins are managed as gems), include it in Gemfile and install

bundle install

Octopress commands

Here are the subcommands for Octopress.

init <PATH>         # Adds Octopress scaffolding to your site
new <PATH>          # Like `jekyll new` + `octopress init`
new post <TITLE>    # Add a new post to your site
new page <PATH>     # Add a new page to your site
new draft <TITLE>   # Add a new draft post to your site
publish <POST>      # Publish a draft from _drafts to _posts
unpublish <POST>    # Search for a post and convert it into a draft
isolate [POST]      # Stash all posts but the one you're working on for a faster build
integrate           # Restores all posts, doing the opposite of the isolate command
deploy              # deploy your site via S3, Cloudfront, Rsync, or to GitHub pages.

Run octopress --help to list sub commands and octopress <subcommand> --help to learn more about any subcommand and see its options.

Publish a draft

Use the publish command to publish a draft to the _posts folder. This will also rename the file with the proper date format.

octopress publish _drafts/
octopress publish cool
Option Description
--date DATE The date for the post. Should be parseable by Time#parse
--slug SLUG Change the slug for the new post.
--dir DIR Create post at _posts/DIR/.
--force Overwrite existing file.

Unpublish a post

Use the unpublish command to move a post to the _drafts directory, renaming the file according to the drafts convention.

octopress unpublish _posts/
octopress unpublish some post


The isolate command will allow you to stash posts in _posts/_exile where they will be ignored by Jekyll during the build process. Run octopress integrate to restore all exiled posts. This can be helpful if you have a very large site and you want to quickly preview a build for a single post or page.

octopress isolate                                # Move all posts
octopress isolate _posts/   # Move post at path
octopress isolate kittens                        # Move post matching search


You’ll have a repository named as, almost empty. You want to deploy your first article to that empty repository, but you before that you should know how github pages work.

Github pages expect to have two branches, the source branch and the master branch. The master branch is the one that github pages will show. The changes in the source branch won’t be published until you push your changes to master. A very simple workflow we use very often while coding, applied to publishing.

You cannot deploy to the same branch you are working in. This will overwrite the source for your site.
First, back up your site's source to a branch:

git checkout -b source
git push origin source

With that, you'll work in the source branch and deploy to the master branch.


Octopress post and page templates look like this.

layout: {{ layout }}
title: {{ title }}

Dates get automatically added to a template for posts, and for pages if a --date option is set.

You can add to the YAML front matter, add content below and even even use liquid tags and filters from your site's plugins. There are a handful of local variables you can use when working with templates.

Variable Description
date The date (if set) or
title The title of the page (if set)
slug The title in slug form
ymd The date string, YYYY-MM-DD format
year The date's year
month The date's month, MM
day The date's day, DD

By default Octopress has templates for pages, posts and drafts. You can change them or create new ones for different types of content. To create linkposts template, add a file at _templates/linkpost, such as:

title: {{ title }}
external-url: {{ url }}

Then you can use it with a new post like this:

octopress new post "Some title" --template linkpost
octopress new post "Some title" -tm _templates/linkpost

In the second example, I'm passing the full template file path. This way I can use my shell's tab to auto-complete feature.

When creating templates, file name extensions are unnecessary since the files are just plain text anyway.

In the third example, if multiple posts match the search a prompt will ask you to select a post from a menu.


Octopress reads its configurations from _config.yml. Here's what the configuration looks like by default.

# Default extension for new posts and pages
post_ext: markdown
page_ext: html

# Default templates for posts and pages
# Found in _templates/
post_layout: post
page_layout: page

# Format titles with titlecase?
titlecase: true

# Change default template file (in _templates/)
post_template: post
page_template: page
draft_template: draft


The Octopress gem comes with octopress-deploy which allows you to easily deploy your site with Rsync, on S3 or Cloudfront, to GitHub pages, or other Git based deployment hosting platforms.

Basic usage

octopress deploy init METHOD [options]  # git, s3, or rsync - Create a _deploy.yml configuration
octopress deploy                        # Deploys _site based on deployment configuration
octopress pull DIR                      # Download your deployed site to the specified DIR

Examples for github, s3 and rsync.

octopress deploy init git
octopress deploy init s3
octopress deploy init rsync

You can find more detailed documentation by running:

octopress deploy --help
octopress build

This will generate your site in _site directory inside your tech-blog folder.

octopress deploy

This command should copy your _site folder content to a hidden folder .deploy which contains your git repository, and will add the changes, commit it and push it online.

Now you can see your blog live on <username>, if you ever want to use your custom domain name follow this extra step.

Use your custom domain name (optional)

lets say you have a domain name, you will need to point your domain name to github ip addresses by adding 2 A records pointing to and also to, then point your domain name with a cname record to <username> also add a CNAME file -in capital letters- to your blog root directory the file should contain your domain name, then build and deploy your octopress blog.

Embed GitHub Gists in your Jekyll or Octopress blog.

group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'octopress', '~> 3.0'
    gem 'octopress-gist'


bundle install

To embed Gist code use this syntax

{% gist [gist_id] [file_name] [options] %}

Write beautiful fenced code snippets within any template.

gem 'octopress-codefence'

Add to Jekyll _config.yml

  - octopress-codefence


lang [options]
Options Example Description
lang ruby Used by the syntax highlighter. Passing 'plain' disables highlighting.
title title:"Figure 1.A" Add a figcaption title to your code block.
link_text link_text:"Download" Text for the link, default: "link".
linenos lineos:false Disable line numbering.
start start:5 Start the line numbering at the given value.
mark mark:1-4,8 Highlight lines of code. This example marks lines 1,2,3,4 and 8
class class:"css example" Add CSS class names to the code <figure> element

Include Code Snippets

Import files on your filesystem into any blog post as embedded code snippets with syntax highlighting and a download link. In the _config.yml you can set your code_dir but the default is source/downloads/code. Simply put a file anywhere under that directory and use the following tag to embed it in a post.

{% include_code [title] [lang:language] path/to/file [start:#] [end:#] [range:#-#] [mark:#,#-#] [linenos:false] %}

Basic options

  • [<title>] - Add a custom figcaption to your code block (defaults to filename).
  • [lang:<language>] - Force the syntax highlighter to use this language. By default the file extension is used for highlighing, but not all extensions are known by Pygments.

Additional options:

These options don't depend on any previous option and order does not matter.

  • [start:<#>] - Render a snippet from the file beginning at the specified line
  • [end:<#>] - Render a snippet from the file ending at the specified line
  • [range:<#-#>] - Render a specified range of lines from a file (a shortcut for start:# end:#)
  • [mark:<#,#-#>] - Mark one or more lines of code with the class name "marked". Accepts one number, *numbers separated by commas, and number ranges. Example mark:1,5-8 will mark lines 1,5,6,7,8. *Note: If you've changed the beginning line number be sure these match rendered line numbers
  • [linenos:<false>] - Do not add line numbers to highlighted code


bundle exec jekyll build


bundle exec jekyll serve

Code examples, statics and external services (jsbin, gist, codepen)

Given a bin url, generates the embed code for jsbin with defined panels. Copy jsbin.rb into plugins dir of your Octopress project or clone it.


Move codepen.rb into the plugins folder at the root of your octopress repo.


{% jsbin exedab %}

or specify which pannel will be loaded

{% jsbin exedab js,html %}


Move codepen.rb into the plugins folder at the root of your octopress repo.


{% codepen href user [type] [height] %}

Jekyll Sitemap Generator Plugin

Add gem 'jekyll-sitemap' to your site's Gemfile and run bundle install Add the following to your site's _config.yml

  - jekyll-sitemap


If you would like to exclude specific pages/posts from the sitemap set the sitemap flag to false in the front matter for the page/post.

sitemap: false

Aditional Info

jekyll-example-with-heroku Jekyll tutorial More plugins and 3rd party code Deploy Octopress deploy project page. Full Documentation Octopress-3