
This project demonstrates working with mvprxdialog, mvprxfiledialog, cloud_disk libraries

mvprxdialog is an Android library that provides dialogs for MVP architectural pattern.
This library holds dialogs:

  • MessageBox dialog shows a message. It may have from 1 to 3 opional buttons
  • InputBox dialog allows to input a value

cloud_disk is an Android library for accessing file storages. This library holds:

  • a wrapper that gives a unique interface for the local and cloud file systems (Yandex-disk and PCloud-disk)
  • a cache subsystem for cloud files.

mvprxfiledialog is an Android library based on mvprxdialog and cloud_disk. This library provides file/dir choosing dialog including OAuth-authorization.

In order to use these libraries (or one of them) in your Android project you need to add the following code into build.gradle files:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.kivSW.MvpRxLibraries:cloud_disk:1.0.3'
  implementation 'com.github.kivSW.MvpRxLibraries:mvprxdialog:1.0.3'
  implementation 'com.github.kivSW.MvpRxLibraries:mvprxfiledialog:1.0.3'