
Check player times and statistics from the happy-hg.com Minecraft parkour server

Primary LanguagePython


First, enter your Discord bot token at the end of the main.py script, run it like python3 main.py, and then run the !reloadcache command from Discord.


!ranking [Optional page #]  - Overall leaderboard approximation NOT FINISHED
!top10   [Parkour]          - Top 10 times on a parkour
!pb      [Player] [Parkour] - Players personal best on a parkour
!top10wr                    - Players with most world records
!wrcount [Player]           - Number of world records a player holds
!completion [Player]        - Parkour completion count of a player
!timesum [Player]           - Sum of a players times
!reloadcache                - Re-download the leaderboard
!blacklist                  - List all blacklisted players
!help                       - You're looking at it