The FileChooserThumbView widget is similar to FileChooserIconView, but if possible it shows a thumbnail instead of a normal icon.
The module "chardet" is required to use this widget: if you don't have it installed, install it. It's installed by default in Ubuntu.
You can set some properties in order to control its performance:
- showthumbs: Thumbnail limit. If set to a number > 0, it will show the thumbnails only if the directory doesn't contain more files or directories. If set to 0 it won't show any thumbnail. If set to a number < 0 it will always show the thumbnails, regardless of how many items the current directory contains. By default it is set to -1, so it will show all the thumbnails.
- thumbdir: Custom directory for the thumbnails. By default it uses tempfile to generate it randomly.
- thumbsize: The size of the thumbnails. It defaults to 64dp.