An avatar thing in C. Includes a WebUI for viewing and (in the future) editing avatars.
- save custom avatars in redis (char[7])
- first 4 chars represent the 32 pattern positions before mirroring
- the latter 3 chars represent the RGB value
- some authentication, you can claim your email hash only or something
- avatar editor in WebUI
- CMake
- OpenSSL (only for MD5 currently)
- libevent2
- libevhtp
- libpng 1.6
- (future) hiredis
cd build
cmake ..
cd build
Build using
$ docker build -t "cavatar" .
Run using
$ docker run -p 3002:3002 -d --name "cavatar" cavatar
Stop using
$ docker stop cavatar
Remove using
$ docker remove cavatar
See this reference page (and this!) for more info.
Generating a picture
take a string
lowercase that
md5 that
color is a checksum of the md5
for each char
if char&1 == 1
turn on pixels mirrored in the color