Modular Monolith Coding Kata

using Spring Modulith

Domain Overview


  • Search product (REST)
  • Get product details (REST)

Order Management

  • Place order (REST): returns a redirect url to a payment page
  • calls shipping provider with customer.address to get a shipping number


  • Calls Payment Gateway to get payment redirect URL
  • Is called back by Payment Gateway to report result



  • Add stock (REST)
  • API get stock bulk [pid,pid...]
  • API reserve stock (orderid, items:[{},{},{}])
  • publish OutOfStockEvent/BackInStockEvent
  • listen OrderConfirmedEvent(orderid) to effect the stock reservation


  • API get customer address (needed at shipping)

Spring Modulith Intro

A module can only reference by default the top-level package of other modules. Any class in a subpackage (eg. impl) is considered implementation detail and it's unaccessible from outside that module.

Modules cannot form cycles.

A diagram overviewing the module interactions is generated at each test run. See index.adoc


Taking small baby-steps, try to implement the following changes in code:

  1. Pull payment logic out of order module into a separate payment module.
    • Check there are no illegal internal calls or cycles with ArchitectureTest
    • HintHave an event thrown from payment back into order
    • Hint2That event can be named PaymentCompletedEvent and should be placed in the payment module
    • Encapsulate the new 'payment' module: hide its internals exposing the least amount of public stuff
    • HintUse an 'impl' package for simplicity
  2. Return the number of items in stock in product page (see GetProductApi)
    • Respect the encapsulation of inventory module (ArchitectureTest should pass)
    • HintRetrieve the stock item number via a call to a new method in `InventoryModule`
  3. Search should only return products in stock (see SearchProductApi)
    • What options can you identify. Tradeoffs of each?
    1. OptionFind all products and join in-memory with all stock. Or vice-versa.
    2. OptionForce a JOIN via SQL/JPQL
    3. OptionReplicate stock item number at every change via events from `inventory`
    4. OptionPublish `OutOfStockEvent` and `BackInStockEvent` from `inventory`, keep a `Product.inStock` boolean;
    5. OptionA separate ElasticSearch engine to which you publish product{id,name} and stock{items} (just imagine)
  4. Notifications
    • When payment is confirmed

    • Hint - code snippet
       public void onOrderStatusChanged(OrderStatusChangedEvent event) {
         String customerEmail = customerModule.getCustomer(event.customerId()).email();
         if (event.status() == OrderStatus.PAYMENT_APPROVED) {
           sendPaymentConfirmedEmail(event, customerEmail);
         if (event.status() == OrderStatus.SHIPPING_IN_PROGRESS) {
           sendOrderShippedEmail(event, customerEmail);