- Detection folder
- Drawing folder + arduino parser
- Other not interesting folders/files
- main.py
- BasicFunctions.py
There are all files which can detect anything
Here is only one normal file, ParseArduino.py. Here you can set all arduino port names
It's main file for the project. Here you can set a model of an action. In the variable with name "plan" you can configure the model. Just put there a list of commands in string format and separate it with "|" Here's a list of possible commands:
--> draw all detected objectsmarker()
--> draw ArUco markersqrcode()
--> draw qrcode markersbottles()
--> draw bottles onlycolors()
--> coming soon
There are lots of custom function and nothing interesting.
Task #1: You have to detect and follow an ArUco marker.
- Put the following code to Detection/MarkerDetection.py after the 42th line
if calibrateByMarker and ids[0][0] == goalMarker and ft: #check if detected marker looks like a goal marker; "ft" make it only one time
mov = "gt("+str(angle) + ", " + str(dist+250) + ")" #"f(" + str(dist-200) + ")" #generate command for arduino
evl(mov) #send command to arduino
ft = False;
- Set variable
in main.py tomarker()
Task #2: You have to detect and follow a bottle.
- Put the following code to Detection/ObjectDetection.py after the 42th line
eval('gt(' + str(angle) + ', ' + str(int(dist)-350) + ')') #jast generate and send command to the Arduino (angle and dist are already calculated)
- Set variable
in main.py tobuttle()
Task #3 You have to detect and follow a person.
- Put the following code to Detection/ObjectDetection.py after the 85th line
eval('gt(' + str(angle) + ', ' + str(int(dist)-350) + ')') #jast generate and send command to the Arduino (angle and dist are already calculated)
- Set variable
in main.py toobjects()
- In main.py replace
drawObjects(globalName, frame, filter="all", return_bottle_imgs = True)
drawObjects(globalName, frame, filter="person", return_bottle_imgs = True)
- You also can detect any kind of objects from list with name
in Detect/ObjectDetection.py. Just replace parametrfilter
(see section 3) to a string fromCLASSES