Basic Objects

  • Draw a Cube with an optional parameter POSITION default is [0, 0, 0] and the required parameter RADIUS

    Cube([position, radius)


    var cube = Cube([23, 12, 65], 100)

* Draw a Sphere with an optional parameter POSITION *default is [0, 0, 0]* and the required parameter RADIUS
Sphere([position, radius)


var sphere = Sphere([24, 12, 34], 100)

* Draw a Cylinder with an required parameters START_POSITION, END_POSITION, RADIUS
Cylinder(from, to, radius)


var cylinder = Cylinder([56, 23, 12], [100, 100, 100], 100)

* Draw a Plane with an optional parametr POSITION and the required parameters WIDTH, HEIGT, DEPTH
Plane([pos, width, height, depth)


var plane = Plane([10, 13, 15], 100, 200, 50)

# Basic opeartions So, you have a two figures: *cube* A and *sphere* B.

You can do following operations with any two figures:
All this operations have the same constructor: a.<operation name>(b)

  • Concat: return result of boolean opearation A OR B or result of CSG opeartion Union


    var result = a.add(b)
  • Cut: return result of boolean opearation A NOT B or result of CSG opeartion Subtract


    var result = a.cut(b)
  • Difference: return result of boolean opearation A AND B or result of CSG opeartion Intersect


    var result = a.diff(b)

More info about CSG operations you can read on this wikipedia page