
Custom templates for Generation Tree http://generatree.com

Primary LanguageHTML

Templates for "Generation Tree" application

Templates for Generation Tree



  • development with hot-reload
  • postcss for styling
  • babel for javascript

Gulp tasks for development

yarn dev

  • Starts local server with hot-reload
  • Active template is set in gulp-vars.js via GTtemplateName variable

yarn run build

  • Generates dist/ folder with build files
  • Generates zipped template for "Generation Tree" application
  • Bumps version in package.json
  • Bumps version of assets in generated templates (to avoid assets caching issues in browser)


  • template_1_EN - default template for EN
  • template_1_RU - default template for RU
  • template_simple_RU - Simple template
    • Added mobile phones and tablets support
    • Removed some sections from HTML (slider, theme switcher, etc.)
    • Some settings in "Generation Tree" application for site generation ignored (custom homepage, etc.)
    • Replaced logo with site name
    • Updated versions of jquery and other libraries
    • Updated styles
    • Refactored scripts
    • Replaced outdated lightbox.js with fancybox

(!) Currently only one additional template is created - Simple for RU

Project structure

  • app/ - source files
  • dist/ - build files
  • build/ - zipped templates to use in "Generation Tree" application
  • gulp-tasks/ - tasks for gulp task runner
  • gulpfile.babel.js - main gulp file
  • gulp-vars.js - variables for gulp tasks
    • GTtemplateName - name of the active template (on which you're planning to work, and which will be generated)
    • injectCss - list of css files to use in template
    • injectJs - list of js files to use in template
    • other variables

Template structure

template_simple_RU (new templates must have the same structure to match "Generation Tree" application)

  • *.html - layouts for pages in main navigation (all files should be kept, even if you don't want to show some of them - otherwise "Generation Tree" application will crash during site generation)

  • doc/ - empty folder, for images uploaded in "Generation Tree" application

  • event/event_0.html - layout for each event

  • family/family_0.html - layout for each family

  • person/person_0.html - layout for each person

    • person/images/ - image folder for persons avatars
  • tree/tree_t0_0.html - layout for each tree

  • tree/trees.html - layout for full family tree (in main navigation)

  • styles/ - source css files styles.css - main css file

  • scripts/ - source javascript files main.js - entry point

  • css/ - generated css files

  • css/ - generated javascript files

  • assets/ - duplicates of treejs files (required explicitly for "Generation Tree" application)

  • fonts/ - fonts for the template

Issues in template

  • Gallery function for fancybox in person's pages and in docs.html (data-lightbox-gallery must be replaced with data-fancybox)