
node+express: serve static files with https option

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Serve static files on localhost with http & https.


npm install super-simple-web-server


Clone repo and run npm install in the root directory.


npm start [</path/to/web/root>] [</path/to/some/middleware>]

Default path

Default path is your current working directory. Override by passing an optional path to your desired web root directory.

Default ports

Default ports are 3000 (http) and 3001 (https). These can be changed in index.js.

Default IP

The default IP which should convieniently map to localhost.

Pro tip: Setting USE_LOCALHOST = false in index.js will instead scan for existing bound IP addresses on your machine via os.networkInterfaces(). The last available will be used.

Point to some middleware

To add middleware set the third arg to a path that resolves to a file exporting a function like so...

module.exports = (app) => {

About the self-signed certifictes

Fictious self-signed certs are provided for your development convienience. They will exprire on June 6 2028. Obviously -- you don't want to use these for anything other than private testing in your own bathtub.

See ./certs/ for more info...