
materials and entry task for intensive weekend course of machine learning

Entry task story

Since the summer was kind of boring, you applied for a temporary contract on the dark web. It turned out that you’re the only data scientist in the team; the others are mostly hackers doing industrial espionage. Long story short, after some work on their side, they provided you with VPN access to a factory in Kazakhstan. They’ve enabled you to call the endpoint of one of the machines where a secret mathematical formula is hidden. Your goal is to get the formula. Unfortunately, the machine works like a black box — you can just send an x-value to it

/api/do_measurement?x=4 (the IP will be specified in the e-mail)

to measure the y-value within the resulted JSON

{"data": {"y": 188.58938971580736, "x": 4.0}}

It looks like that the machine is just a working prototype, so the readings are a bit fuzzy and it’s probably a good idea to do more measurements to get some reasonable data. Also for some intervals of x, the y-values are missing; feel free to interpolate.

Your task is do the measurements, get the secret formula f where y = f(x) and send it to the organisers (with a graph included). Please use Numpy and attach (or link) all the code you’ve used.

Send your solution to mlweekend@kiwi.com no later than midnight on Sunday, October 22. We'll send you our evaluation by Tuesday, October 24. The sooner you send your solution, the sooner we'll let you know.