
Smart FAQ ⚠️INACTIVE → moved to internal GitLab ⚠️

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Smart FAQ

App demo: https://kiwicom.github.io/smart-faq/


Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:kiwicom/smart-faq.git

Install all the dependencies with yarn

In order to be able to login one requires a .env file at the root of the codebase, with the following content:


KIWILOGIN_USER is only needed for this standalone app to work

Where the value of GRAPHQL_URI and KIWILOGIN_USER will be provided privately.

Webpack and particularly dotenv-webpack package will take care of importing the variables from .env to your resulting build app or dev-server.

Running the app locally

To serve the app on your local environment, run:

yarn start will open automatically in your browser, but you can also open localhost:8080 to view it.

If you would like to view the app on a mobile device, you can do it by visiting {your_local_ip_address}:8080

Commit message convention

We use this commit message convention: https://gist.github.com/stephenparish/9941e89d80e2bc58a153#format-of-the-commit-message

A git hook will verify your commit message and point out any issues with it.

To make following this convention easier, there's some tooling available. Use

git cz

to compose your commit message using an interactive command line tool.

To access git cz you need to first install commitizen globally using:

yarn global add commitizen

If you squash your commits when merging a pull request, compose the message of the squashed commit also according to the convention.


  • Check out nitrolib docs for more info.
  • DOCs for PhraseApp - where the translations are stored for translators
  • List of all supported languages is defined by file src/translations/langInfos.js

How to use translations in code

  • Use Text from nitrolib as Trans and don't confuse it with Text from Orbit:
import Trans from "@kiwicom/nitro/lib/components/Text";

From Nitrolib docs:

Make sure to wrap translation keys in the global __ function!


type Props = {
  t: string, // the translation key
  values?: Values, // a map of placeholders and their values
  html?: boolean, // make it 'true' if your translation string contains HTML elements


const Submit = () => (
    <Trans t={__("smartfaq.submit_button")} />

Flow with translations

  1. Download latest translations from PhraseApp via yarn translations:download.
  2. Add your keys to src/translations/enKeys.json json file.
  3. Upload translations to PhraseApp via yarn translations:upload.
  4. Post it on #web-translations, mentioning all keys that needs to be translated.


Use styled-components' ThemeProvider for @kiwicom/orbit-components theming to work. Example:

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
import { getTokens } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
import SmartFAQ from "@kiwicom/smart-faq";

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={{ orbit: getTokens(/* color palette */) }}>
    <SmartFAQ />

See their docs for more info.

Cypress test

In order to be able to run the tests, you need to add the following environment variables to the .env file:


Steps to run Cypress tests:

  1. Start smart-faq via yarn start if you still don't have it running.
  2. Start up cypress app with yarn cypress:open
  3. Run tests with yarn cypress:run

Note: If you need to change the baseUrl, you can either change it on cypress.json or set the CYPRESS_baseUrl variable before running tests eg. CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://mybaseUrl:myPort yarn cypress:run . More info

Build process

Test script test-ci is run on each push

Surge Deploy

  • after each push a circleci test-ci-and-surge-deploy script is run
  • it generates a live preview link on surge ie. https://smartfaq-branch-name.surge.sh

Github Pages


Done automatically by semantic-release.


These are the events being recorded. Note that additionally to these attributes frontend is also sending additional data such as:

  • browser
  • device
  • location: origin URL.
  • os: operating system

Eventname "smartFAQ"

  • Possible payloads
    • When smartFAQ is opened: { action: "clickOnHelp", loggedIn: true | false}
    • When smartFAQ is closed: { action: "close", loggedIn: true | false, timeOpen: "number of seconds open"}
    • Login Strategies:
      • Kiwi: { action: "clickOnLogin", loginType: "kiwi"}
      • Google: { action: "clickOnLogin", loginType: "google"}
      • Facebook: { action: "clickOnLogin", loginType: "facebook"}
    • Downloading boarding pass: { action: "downloadBoardingPass" }
    • "More info" in boarding pass section is clicked: { action: "clickOnMoreInfoBoarding" }
    • When one of the two intro buttons is clicked: { action: "clickOnIntroButton", haveBooking: true | false}

Eventname "smartFAQBookingOverview"

  • Possible payloads
    • Select another booking is clicked: { action: "selectAnotherBooking"}
    • Manage my booking is clicked: { action: "goToMMB"}
    • Article is clicked: { action: "articleClicked", queriesBeforeClick:"Number of searches the user made before clicking on an article"}
    • Full FAQ link is clicked: { action: "goToOldHelp"}
    • User clicks sign out: { action: "signOut"}
    • Flight accordion is opened: { action: "openFlightCard"}
    • When smartFAQ is closed: { action: "close", timeOpen: "number of seconds open"}
    • Every search(with a debounce of 250ms by default): { action: "search", searchedText: "query being searched"}
    • When eTicket is clicked: { action: "clickOnEticket" }
    • When BoardingPasses button is clicked: { action: "clickOnBoardingPassButton" }
    • When Baggage button is clicked: { action: "clickOnBaggageButton" }
    • When Kiwi.com Guarantee chat can be used for customer booking: { action: "chatEnabled" }
    • When Kiwi.com Guarantee chat is openend by a customer: { action: "chatOpened" }
    • When Kiwi.com Guarantee chat button is displayed because it matches the criteria to show it: { action: "chatDisplayed" }

Eventname "smartFAQCategories"

  • Possible payloads
    • Click on category: { action: "clickOnCategory", categoryId:"id of category", categoryName:"category title"}
    • Enter article: { action: "clickOnArticle", articleId:"id of article", articleName:"article title"}
    • Close article: { action: "articleClose", articleId:"id of article", articleName:"article title", timeOpen: "time it remained open"}
    • Vote on article: { action: "upVote" | "downVote" }
    • Submit feedback on article: { action: "submitFeedback", comment: "dontLike" | "confusing" | "notAccurate" | "doesntAnswer" }
    • Daily feedback comment limit reached: { action: "commentLimitReached" }