High Value Target Gametype for Venice Unleashed with Gifts

Primary LanguageLua

VEXT-HVT (Venice Unleashed High Value Target)

HVT or High Value Target is a gametype re-created for Venice Unleashed where the only objective is to defend or kill the high value target.

New Gametype!

  • 2 teams fight to the death attempting to kill the HVT
  • Defences will be powerful with limited ammo
  • Attackers will have ragtag weapons but unlimited attempts to attempt to kill the HVT
  • You died? Don't leave, you get bonus for whomever you are spectating ranging from health boosts, more ammo, or even in certain cases explosives!


  • Attackers start with basic weapons and full ammunition
  • Attackers also have unlimited waves, it's up to the HVT's squad and the rest of the team to keep the HVT alive for the time limit (currently 5m)
  • Defense will have more defender explosives, mines, claymores, and also have more accurate and powerful weapons.
  • Each time someone in the defense dies they are switched to the attacking team
  • If an attacker dies, they are forced to spectate a player, but then have the ability to "gift" special abilities to those attackers who are still alive.


Dillinger requires Node.js v4+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ cd dillinger
$ npm install -d
$ node app

For production environments...

$ npm install --production
$ NODE_ENV=production node app


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