
The Open e-Mobility Charging Station management front-end Angular application (check also ev-server and ev-mobile)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Open e-Mobility Angular Dashboard App


The Angular dashboard connects to the Open e-Mobility NodeJs Server to display the charging stations in real time.

The application features:

  • Charging Stations details and real-time statuses
  • Charging sessions curves in real time
  • Charging stations remote control (Reboot, Clear Cache, Stop Transaction, Unlock Connector)
  • Charging Station Template management: Zero configuration
  • User management
  • Badge management
  • Role management (ABAC)
  • Static Energy Management: Manually limit the charging station
  • Smart Charging with Assets, Fair Sharing, Peak Shaving, Cost Management and Phase Balancing
  • Realtime Asset Management (Building, Battery, Solar Panel)
  • Billing with Stripe
  • Complex Pricing
  • Roaming integration (Gire, Hubject)
  • Refunding (SAP Concur)
  • Simple Statistics + Advanced Analytics (SAP Analytics)
  • Car Connector Management (Get the car's data to optimize the charging session)

Contact the author Serge FABIANO


  • Install NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/ (install the LTS version)
  • Clone this GitHub project
  • Go into the ev-dashboard directory and run npm install or yarn install (use sudo in Linux)


choco install -y nodejs-lts
brew install node
  • Follow the rest of the setup below

The Dashboard


There is one template provided: src/assets/config-template.json.

Rename it to config.json.

Move this configuration file into the src/assets directory.

Edit this file, you will set relevant config data in it.

Connect to the Central Service REST Server (CSRS)

The dashboard is served by a web server, downloaded into the browser and will call the REST Server to retrieve and display the data.

Set the REST Server URL:

  "CentralSystemServer": {
    "protocol": "http",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 80

Create and set a Google Maps API key

Ev-dashboard requires you to setup a Google API key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key#restrict_key. Once the key is created it must be enabled (from the Google Console) and the value must replace the one present in /src/index.html, in Google Maps section:


Setup the reCaptcha API key

In order to call REST endpoints of ev-server, a reCaptcha key is required. Refers to this link https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create to create one then copy the client key in config.json, in User section:

	"User": {
	  "maxPictureKb": 150,
	  "captchaSiteKey": "<GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_KEY_CLIENT>"

Start the Dashboard Server

Development Mode

npm start

Production Mode

First build the sources with:

npm run build:prod

Next, start the server with:

npm run start:prod

Secured Production Mode (SSL)

Build the sources as above and run it with:

npm run start:prod:ssl

Tests End To End

To run e2e tests, you first need to have a server and UI up and running. Then start the e2e suite with:

npm run e2e

That's it!


This file and all other files in this repository are licensed under the Apache Software License, v.2 and copyrighted under the copyright in NOTICE file, except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.

Please note that Docker images can contain other software which may be licensed under different licenses. This LICENSE and NOTICE files are also included in the Docker image. For any usage of built Docker images please make sure to check the licenses of the artifacts contained in the images.