
This project is a Stateless REST API that exposes an endpoint for document conversion using the LibreOffice CLI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LibreOffice REST API

This project is a Stateless REST API that exposes an endpoint for document conversion using the LibreOffice CLI.


The motivation for this project was from the issues experienced from another service I was using at work for the same purpose, it had a large memory footprint on our clusters as a result of some zombie processes thereby leading to memory leakages.

Before Implementation image

After Implementation Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 9 47 37 AM


Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have docker running and enough resources(atleast 2GB RAM) allocated to it.
  2. Build image with docker build -t libreoffice_rest .
  3. Start container with docker run --name libreoffice_rest --rm -p 3000:3000 libreoffice_rest

Accessing Endpoints

There are three endpoint exposed on the project and they are as follows

  • GET /health - Returns a message on how so uppp we are..lol

  • GET / - Returns a greeting message..hehe

  • POST /forms/libreoffice/convert - Takes a multipart form request and returns the converted file.

    Example Request

    curl --location --request POST '' --form 'files=@"/Users/jesseinit/Downloads/DesignProcessWorkshopbySlidesgo.pptx"'


Feel free to open an issue or a PR for any of the todos below or other improvements.

  • Implement non-root user in the docker image
  • Support other document type conversion
  • Reduce docker image size
  • Optimise how the subprocess is called
  • Add logging and increased granularity
  • Miscellaneous Gunicorn configuration fine-tunning