
TicketDesk - A simple and effective Issue Tracker for Help Desks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMicrosoft Public LicenseMS-PL

Back End


To run a local development copy of the project, the startup project needs to be set to ngWebClientAPI, with its specified port being 50067.


The API supports configuration via the Web.config file located under the ngWebClientAPI project for ticket types, priority levels, and ticket categories. More settings can be added by adding a new section under "ConfigSections", then adding data under the new section specified in "ConfigSections".

Security Settings

Windows Authentication needs to be enabled. Anonymous Authentication needs to be disabled.

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
    	<deny users="?"/>

Located in the Web.config file

Front End


Running the front end requires installing Node.js first (which will include Node Package Manager aka NPM), then Angular 4, ng-bootstrap, and TypeScript.

In order to do this, you may need to configure the npm proxy. This can be done by running:

npm config set proxy http://clarkpud%2F<username>:<password>@pudebcs:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://clarkpud%2F<username>:<password>@pudebcs:8080

Run npm install in the ngWebClient-Standalone directory to install dependencies according to what's specified in package.json.

Run npm install -g @angular/cli to install Angular globally.

Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the application front the command line using: ng serve to run on the default port of 4200, or use: ng serve --port PORT_NUMBER to choose a different port.


To make web service calls to the backend, you must set the serviceBaseURL constant in app-settings.ts to the base URL where the endpoint can be reached.