- Joel Glovier, Product Design and Markerboard Mentality
- Trevor Menagh, Code Review: Why it Matters
- Seth Vargo, Dealing with the Demands of the Open Source Community
- Kris Walker, Designing and Building Web Applications From the Front-End Backward
- Russel Pavlicek, 15 Years of Open Source
- Tyler Golden, [Drupal Performance](slides/Drupal Performance.pdf)
- Sean Carpenter, [Beyond Heroku: Hosting Your Rails App Yourself](slides/Hosting Rails.key)
- Hector Castro, Throw Some Keys on It
- Bob Igo, Open Senses
- Don Schenck, [Getting Started with OpenStack.NET](slides/Getting Started with OpenStack SDK v3.ppt)
- Ryan Duff, [WP-CLI](slides/CPOSC13 - WP-CLI.key)
- Jason Plum, [Your Right ARM](slides/Your Right ARM.pdf)
- Jonathan Miller, Have You Opened a Book Lately?
- Mike Barry, Ruby Concurrency