React Native ExpoでStable Diffusionを使うサンプル


React NativeでStable Diffusionを使う

React Native(Expo)でStable Diffusionを使う

Stable Diffusion worked at React Native Expo.


// build: develop
eas build --profile development --platform ios
eas build --profile development --platform android

// build: internal
eas build --profile preview --platform ios
eas build --profile preview --platform android

// build: production
eas build --profile production --platform ios
eas build --profile production --platform android

// OTA update
expo publish --release-channel internal
expo publish --release-channel production

eas channel:create internal
eas channel:create production

eas update --channel internal --message "Updating the app"
eas update --channel production --message "Updating the app"

// iOS: Setting up ad hoc provisioning
eas device:create
// list all registered devices for your account
eas device:list

arch -x86_64 npx expo prebuild
arch -x86_64 yarn ios
arch -x86_64 npx expo run:ios --device