gazelle wallet
This browser wallet is an example implementation of a Plapp (Plasma application) developed with gazelle and React. Official Testnet release is planned in Q2 2020, and it will be run on Kovan Testnet.
Running gazelle wallet locally
1. run ganache-cli & deploy ovm-contract & run aggregator
$ git clone -b alpha-v1.0.0
$ cd gazelle
$ npm run docker:build
$ npm run docker:cp
$ npm run docker:start
2. run gazelle wallet
$ git clone
$ cp .sample.env .env
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
3. paste TEST_PRIVATE_KEY into input field from .env
If you have any question regarding this wallet implementation or Plapps development with gazelle in general, feel free to ask us directly in our R&D community channel: