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TPS-DPS: Transition Path Sampling with Improved Off-Policy Training of Diffusion Path Samplers

This repository contains the code and instructions to reproduce the results of the paper.


  1. First, create a new Conda environment:

    conda create -n tps-dps python=3.9
  2. Activate the newly created environment:

    conda activate tps-dps
  3. Install the openmmtools for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation using the following commands:

    conda install -c conda-forge openmmtools
  4. Install the openmmforcefields for forcefields of Polyproline Helix and Chignolin using the following commands:

    git clone https://github.com/openmm/openmmforcefields.git
  5. Install another packages using the following commands:

    pip install torch tqdm wandb mdtraj matplotlib joblib pyemma


  • Sampling: Run the following command to sample paths

    python synthetic/sample.py --model_path models/synthetic/pot.pt
    python src/sample.py --molecule alanine --model_path models/alanine/force.pt --save_dir paths/alanine/force --bias force
    python src/sample.py --molecule poly --start_state pp2 --end_state pp1 --num_steps 10000 --sigma 0.2 --bias scale --save_dir paths/poly/scale --model_path models/poly/scale.pt
    python src/sample.py --molecule chignolin --start_state unfolded --end_state folded --num_steps 5000 --sigma 0.5 --bias scale --save_dir paths/chignolin/scale --model_path models/chignolin/scale.pt
  • Evaluation: Run the following command to evaluate sampled paths

    python synthetic/eval.py 
    python src/eval.py --molecule alanine
    python src/eval.py --molecule poly --start_state pp2 --end_state pp1 --save_dir paths/poly/scale
    python src/eval.py --molecule chignolin --start_state unfolded --end_state folded --save_dir paths/chignolin/scale 
  • Training: Run the following command to start training. For better results, try many seeds

    python synthetic/train.py --seed 2
    python src/train.py --molecule alanine --seed 2