
Sudoku solver based on the collapsing waave function (kinda) and basic backtracking

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sudoku solver

The solver only knows the basic rules: 1 to 9 digits per line, columns and box

kinda use the collapsing wave function, determining the entropy of each cell and using it to place (or try) numbers

Add some backtracking when random choices needs to be made

It's made to be run in a proper terminal, with color and stuff:

┃₁₂₆₉ │₁₂₆  │  8  ┃  7  │  2  │  4  ┃  3  │  5  │₇₉   ┃
┃  3  │  5  │  7  ┃  9  │  1  │  8  ┃  6  │  2  │  4  ┃
┃₂₆₉  │₂₄₆  │₂₄   ┃₅₇   │₂₅   │  3  ┃  1  │  8  │₇₉   ┃
┃₂₈   │₂₄   │₂₄   ┃  4  │  6  │  9  ┃  7  │  1  │  5  ┃
┃  1  │  9  │  3  ┃₁₅   │  5  │  8  ┃  2  │  4  │  6  ┃
┃  5  │₁₄   │  6  ┃₁₄   │  7  │  2  ┃  9  │  3  │  8  ┃
┃  4  │₁₂₃  │  9  ┃  6  │  8  │  7  ┃  5  │  7  │₁₂   ┃
┃₁₂₆  │₁₂₆  │₁₂   ┃  3  │  4  │  5  ┃  8  │  9  │₁₂   ┃
┃  7  │  8  │  5  ┃  2  │  9  │  1  ┃  4  │  6  │  3  ┃

In green 1 entropy (so, certain) cells added last turn

In yellow random choices made.

Used when no 1 entropy cell have been found, make a random choice in one of the lowest entropy cells.

in small and blue: available possibilities for this cell (when there less than 6)

output example

But it uses websockets as well!

One message is sent each time a cell changes value. Yeah, why not ?

GG and thx to https://github.com/ErickWendel/websockets-with-nodejs-from-scratch I grabed all the weboscket code from there, I wanted to recode from scratch but that's too much work for today.


Nope. Only node libs are used.


  • tweak sudoku.config.js as you wish
  • node index.js

if config.WS === true :

open the index.html in you browser (uri should look like file:///home/you/code/node/sudoku_collpase_function/front/index.html)


look at your terminal :)


You can play with config.js to configure the printing timers.

Colors are customized in print.js (the well named c const)